Monkey wrenches can be seized, but they can also be dropped from the guest list.
Surprise party: when unexpected guests come knocking
Readers unfamiliar with Abbey's work will probably want to start with Desert Solitaire or The
Monkey Wrench Gang.
Postcards From Ed: Dispatches and Salvos From an American Iconoclast
Even though we plan and have good procedures in place, something is going to go out of control and throw a
monkey wrench into our efforts.
Contingency plans
But turning in incomplete assemblies throws a
monkey wrench in their plan.
How to get parts faster
Some may fear that the FAR and DFARS will throw in a
monkey wrench and slow the entire response to a snail's pace.
Coordinative acquisition strategies: for hyperswift response to the warfighter
Philippon traces the specific influences that Roosevelt's Hunting Trips of a Ranchman had on the founding of the Boone and Crockett Club; Wright's The Friendship of Nature on the National Audubon Society; Muir's The Mountains of California on the Sierra Club; Leopold's A Sand County Almanac on the Wilderness Society; and Abbey's The
Monkey Wrench Gang on Earth First!
Daniel J. Philippon. Conserving Words: How American Nature Writers Shaped the Environmental Movement
(8) Supra note 1 at 303, 311-312 ("However, modern technology has tossed another
monkey wrench into the evidentiary gearbox.
The admissibility of digital photographs in criminal cases
Imagine a magic
monkey wrench that directors could use to tweak their faulty movies (actually, some films - like Batman Begins - could have been improved with a conventional
monkey wrench, but that would have involved using one to smash up all the cameras IMMEDIATELY before filming.)
Bacon at The Movies: SHED AND BURIED; IN MY FATHER'S DEN Drama CERT: 15 Good idea gets lost in rubbish
A disgraced police motor-cyclist, who hit a schoolboy on the head with a heavy duty
monkey wrench in a row over a chair, was ordered to do work in the community yesterday.
Policeman pays price for striking boy
Any affirmative action by the Coast Guard on the Fall River petition could throw a major
monkey wrench not only into the Weaver's Cove project, but other prospective LNG terminals as well.
Coast guard considers new regulations for LNG siting
Labor Party leader Shimon Peres threw a
monkey wrench into the nearly completed coalition deal Sunday, demanding to receive the title of Deputy Prime Minister.
Peres[acute accent] New Title To Cost 30 Million Shekels
Having a star injured during a shoot always throws a
monkey wrench into production, but the degree of the headache for studios and producers varies widely.
Pics soldier on when thesps take a fall
It wasn't a spanner that Johnny Faint's dog threw into calculations, more of a
monkey wrench, when despite jinking out of the boxes in the second semi, he showed superb pace to lead at the bend and pulled clear of his field to score by over three lengths in 26.77sec.
Dave 20 spots quicker, but Crow still odds-on in Pall Mall
It also throws a
monkey wrench into the Catholic Church's main argument against same- sex marriage, namely that such unions are intrinsically non-procreative and thus not subject to divine sanction.
Weird science. (BTW)
Of course, there were those Nervous Nellies who insisted on pointing out that the economy is still shaky and that the "geopolitical situation" (a euphemism for war on Iraq) might throw a
monkey wrench into things.
THE FOUR TRENDS THAT SHOW UP IN 2002 NEWSPAPER EARNINGS Journal Register, Lee, McClatchy, Media General, NYT, Tribune report