But that's the very least of her failings, according to her media critics who over the last two weeks have branded her everything from "a cow" to "hypocritical", "
money-grubbing" and "delusional" as they've savaged her book charting her journey as a working-class girl from Liverpool through to her years living in the public eye in Downing Street.
Lifestyle: The whole Cherie and nothing but Cherie; Following a vitriolic reception for her autobiography, Cherie Blair tells Gabrielle Fagan why she doesn't regret telling the whole truth
Shirley's transformation from principled straight-arrow to amoral,
money-grubbing businesswoman is not completely convincing, although it's more due to the script than Waterston's game perf.
The Babysitters
"He was sick of
money-grubbing contractors," one official recounted.
Gen. Petraeus and a High-Profile Suicide in Iraq
Was it a belief that properly caring for the elderly in an institution was something that people had to be forced to do--that not having a direct personal relationship with the resident meant that
money-grubbing neglect was sure to rule the day?
Father knows best
In the world of the Religious Right, the Presbyterian minister has a reputation as something of a
money-grubbing huckster.
Religious right power brokers: the top ten
It says plenty about the
money-grubbing, f reebie-loving exploits of this Government that many voters -if not most - do not believe his hand-wringing denials.
sunday mail OPINION: Blair will pay price for sleaze
When political parties were funded by
money-grubbing companies and unions looking to buy favours (everyone from drug companies to military hardware providers), they split their donations 60/40 (depending on who was in power) and you could have a meeting of minds and dump party leaders.
The election: embarrassing, agonizing and cold
Without Paul to hold her back, Jan has been free to be her daffy, devout,
money-grubbing self.
Why I love Jan Crouch: author and TV writer Christian McLaughlin explains his obsession with the elaborately tressed TBN evangelist
I suspect it is the
money-grubbing involved that really drives up the blood pressure.
Huw Lewis column
In doing so, it's alleged that these
money-grubbing greenhorns are stealing jobs and business opportunities from the black "underserved majority."
Central planning doesn't work: going against economic truisms, the city of Detroit is trying to control the local business environment and "give" prosperity to a select portion of its citizens
And Jose Canseco, who wrote a tell-all about big leaguers' drug use, inherited the role of
money-grubbing snitch.
Congress strikes out
As unfortunate as the No
Money-grubbing Left Behind incident proved to be, it is an unsurprising consequence of a journalism world in which highly paid partisans of all stripes move seamlessly among advocacy and campaign work, network gigs, and opinion writing.
New kids in our neighborhood
Jackson's legal team has portrayed the boy and his family as
money-grubbing hustlers.
'I saw children intoxicated at Jackson ranch'
In this crisply-written and thoroughly-researched book, the author contends that higher education has over the last two decades devolved into a
money-grubbing machine, just like any other industry, with its professors behaving as businessmen, and corruption ensuing, affecting the very research that is often upheld as fact, but instead, Washburn says, is influenced by commercial interests.
University, Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education
As one wine buyer for a large retail store put it: "Why would I sell (the equivalent of) four bottles of wine for $16 when I could sell two $8 bottles for the same amount?" This sort of
money-grubbing logic prompts some retailers to either refuse to carry premium bag-in-box wines, or bury them on a bottom shelf, behind the dusty bottles of 1997 Beaujolais Nouveau.
Too much value?