make a mint

make a mint

To earn a very large amount of money, especially by doing something very successfully. We'll make a mint if we can manage to secure a trading partner in China. I hear Sarah is making a mint with sales from her latest novel.
See also: make, mint
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

make, etc. a ˈmint (of money)

(informal) make a lot of money: They’ve made a mint of money with their new range of travel books. You can earn a mint selling ice cream on the beach in July and August. OPPOSITE: take a bath
A mint is a place where money is made.
See also: mint
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • make, etc. a mint
  • coin money
  • earn a mint
  • mint of money, make a
  • get to first base
  • get to first base, to
  • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
  • pass with flying colors
  • pass with flying colours
  • with flying colors, pass with