
  • (as) strong as a lion
  • (it's) better to be a live dog than a dead lion
  • a lion in the way
  • a live dog is better than a dead lion
  • a living dog is better than a dead lion
  • beard the lion
  • beard the lion in his den
  • beard the lion, to
  • better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
  • escape the bear and fall to the lion
  • Essex lion
  • feed (one) to the lions
  • fight like a lion
  • in like a lion, out like a lamb
  • lion’s share
  • lion's share
  • lion's share of
  • lion's share, the
  • March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb
  • March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb
  • put (one's) head in the lion's mouth
  • put your head in the lion's mouth
  • put your head into the lion's mouth
  • strong as a horse
  • the lion's den
  • the lion's mouth
  • the lion's share
  • throw (one) to the lions
  • throw (one) to the wolves
  • throw somebody to the wolves/lions
  • throw someone to the lions
  • throw to the wolves
  • twist the lion's tail
  • walk into the lion's den
  • X's and Y's and Z's, oh my!
References in classic literature
From the nearer trees the men of Mbonga saw the lion lower his great head and seize one of his victims by the shoulder and then with slow and stately tread move down the village street past the open gates and on into the jungle.
A full hour elapsed after the lion had disappeared with his feast before the blacks ventured down from the trees and returned to their village.
The feel of the long spear shaft in his hand and the sight of the tree beyond the lion gave the lad an idea--a preposterous idea--a ridiculous, forlorn hope of an idea; but there was no time now to weigh chances--there was but a single chance, and that was the thorn tree.
The lion stood with wide, round eyes awaiting the attack, ready to rear upon his hind feet and receive this rash creature with blows that could crush the skull of a buffalo.
"Follow up," Collins enunciated, himself following, rapping the nose again sharply and accelerating the lion's backward retreat.
"When a lion yawns in the thick of a fight, you know he ain't crazy.
"I didn't bite him," said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw where Dorothy had hit it.
"I know it," said the Lion, hanging his head in shame.
My brethren, wherefore is there need of the lion in the spirit?
He was the lion-tamer, and he had the self-same trick of putting his head into the lion's mouth.
"Help's pretty hard to get these days," said the lion. "Animals don't seem to want to work any more.
Immediately he was rewarded by the sound of a movement within the cave and an instant later a wild-eyed, haggard lion rushed forth ready to face the devil himself were he edible.
So far did his unparalleled madness go; but the noble lion, more courteous than arrogant, not troubling himself about silly bravado, after having looked all round, as has been said, turned about and presented his hind-quarters to Don Quixote, and very coolly and tranquilly lay down again in the cage.
'You have deceived me, they are men, for they have not looked at the spinning-wheels.' The lion replied: 'They have restrained themselves.' The king, however, would no longer believe the lion.
Had Tarzan been famished he would, doubtless, have stood his ground and met the lion's charge.