make a great show of
make a great show of (doing something)
To do something in a very conspicuous, ostentatious manner. He made a great show of sighing despondently while Jenny was there so everyone knew how heartbroken he still was. My mother always made a great show of cleaning up our toys and clothes with a silent, bitter intensity to show just how annoyed she was at having to do it again.
See also: great, make, of, show
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
make a great show of something
Fig. to make something obvious; to do something in a showy fashion. Ann made a great show of wiping up the drink that John spilled. Jane displayed her irritation at our late arrival by making a great show of serving the cold dinner.
See also: great, make, of, show
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- make a great show of (doing something)
- make an entrance
- make great play of something
- make great, much, etc. play of/with something
- make (a) great play of (something)
- make (a) big play of (something)
- make much play of (something)
- make much play with (something)
- glam up
- show off