
Related to million: Million Man March
  • (something) in a million
  • a chance in a million
  • a hundred and one (something)
  • a hundred/thousand/million and one things/things to do, etc.
  • a million
  • a million and one (something)
  • a million miles away
  • a one in a million chance
  • a one-in-a-million chance
  • a thousand and one (something)
  • be one in a million
  • feel a million dollars
  • feel like a million
  • feel like a million bucks
  • feel like a million dollars
  • feel like oneself
  • gone a million
  • in a million
  • it's a million to one that
  • like a million
  • like a million bucks
  • like a million dollars
  • look a million dollars
  • look like a million bucks
  • look like a million dollars
  • look/feel like a million dollars/bucks
  • million miles away
  • never in a million years
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away/from here
  • not in a million years
  • not/never in a hundred, etc. years
  • one chance in a million
  • one in a million
  • one in a thousand
  • one, etc. in a million
  • thanks a million
  • the million-dollar question
  • you look like a million
References in classic literature
"Bourse, six hundred thousand livres; various property, two millions. Ah!
"Thirty-nine millions two hundred and sixty thousand livres, monseigneur."
China's population must be seven hundred millions, eight hundred millions, nobody knew how many millions, but at any rate it would soon be a billion.
If her population was a billion, and was increasing twenty millions a year, in twenty-five years it would be a billion and a half--equal to the total population of the world in
One which had printed fifty million dollars of stock for sale was sold at auction in 1909 for four hundred thousand dollars.
Taking the United States as a whole, there are to-day fully two hundred and fifty thousand people who are paying for two telephones instead of one, an economic waste of at least ten million dollars a year.
A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance.
I know an Italian prince, rich as a gold mine, one of the noblest families in Tuscany, who, when his sons married according to his wish, gave them millions; and when they married against his consent, merely allowed them thirty crowns a month.
He has said there are a million and a half of revolutionists in the United States.
I amused myself with running over in my mind the sum of the fortunes represented, and it ran well into the hundreds of millions. And the possessors were not of the idle rich.
You have seen fit to surround yourself and household with armed guards, as though, forsooth, we were common criminals, apt to break in upon you and wrest away by force your twenty millions. Believe us, this is farthest from our intention.
One timely note from them, at a critical moment in a certain deal, saved all of five millions to Mr.
"That sounds like a great deal," observed Clara quietly; for, besides caring very little for these millions, she had not a profound respect for her friend's accuracy on such subjects.
500,000 the fiftieth year; about a million the seventy-fifth year.
It swarms with a mean kind of leather-headed mud-colored angels - and your nearest white neighbor is likely to be a million miles away.