like watching paint dry

be like watching paint dry

To be very dull or boring. Everyone loves that period drama, but, to me, it's like watching paint dry. Rachel fell asleep during the big game because she thinks that watching sports is like watching paint dry.
See also: dry, like, paint, watch
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

like watching paint dry

(of an activity or experience) extremely boring.
See also: dry, like, paint, watch
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • be like watching paint dry
  • (as) exciting as watching paint dry
  • exciting
  • exciting as watching paint dry
  • be like watching grass grow
  • (as) dull as dishwater
  • as dull as dishwater
  • dishwater
  • dull
  • dull as dishwater
References in periodicals archive
To me it is like watching paint dry. What on Earth is the fascination with watching 22 men kick a ball around a pitch for 90 minutes?
AFTER another draw that was like watching paint dry, England came out last of all but, thankfully, avoided the traditional Group of Death.
Steven Saunders - best known for his appearances on Ready, Steady, Cook - said her show was "like watching paint dry".
Mr Saunders, writing in The Sticks magazine, said: "Delia is the goddess of education but then isn't it like watching paint dry?