like turkeys voting for Christmas
like turkeys voting for Christmas
Said of people who choose or accept a situation that is not in their interest or will be directly harmful to them. Turkeys are often prepared for a Christmas meal. So now you have people supporting policies that would see their work security and health benefits eliminated. It's like turkeys voting for Christmas.
See also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
like turkeys voting for Christmas
BRITISHIf someone's action or choice is like turkeys voting for Christmas, it will have a very bad result for them. Lawyers supporting non-legal methods of solving disputes are like turkeys voting for Christmas. The idea that drivers would choose to have speed limiters in their cars would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. Note: In Britain and some other countries, people traditionally eat turkey at Christmas.
See also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
like turkeys voting for Christmas
used to suggest that a particular action or decision is hopelessly self-defeating. informalSee also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- like turkeys voting for an early Christmas
- vote
- dodge
- dodge a bullet
- wild turkey
- in the face of
- in the face of (something)
- in the face of something
- chainsaw
- in the teeth of danger, opposition, etc.