kitsch esta na extravagancia das roupas e aderecos, na maquiagem marcada por cores fortissimas e tracos extravagantes; no uso de texturas de animais, bolas e flores constantes; nos altares e quadros de imagens religiosas; nos bichos de pelucia; nos eletrodomesticos e nos moveis.
I [love] kitsch: a analysis about the kitsch attitude in the work of Pedro Almodovar/Eu [love] kitsch: uma analise da atitude kitsch na obra de Pedro Almodovar
I see
kitsch, as defined by art theory and my own experience, to be both a frivolous and a dangerous thing--a plastic flower with razor-sharp edges or a Kewpie-doll-shaped grenade which I handle with much care.
Art or propaganda? The difference between messaging the truth--and being messengers of the truth
Santos, en el heterodoxamente situado capitulo III, explicita el marco teorico en el que quedan enlazadas las descentradas novelas iniciales de Puig y el tropicalismo brasileno de la primera parte del libro, con la obra del puertorriqueno Luis Rafael Sanchez y la del cubano Severo Sarduy en la segunda, para concluir con una nueva canonizacion: precisamente la del
kitsch latinoamericano (y sus relaciones con las exageraciones del camp, lo cursi y el pop-art) cuya descendencia se solidifica, durante las dos ultimas decadas del siglo XX en las contribuciones esteticas de Clarice Linspector, Haroldo de Campos y Cesar Aira.
Lidia Santos Kitsch tropical. Los medios en la literatura y el arte en America Latina
"You could say FICAN is the fox guarding the henhouse," says
Kitsch. He adds that the DNL 65 dB threshold is problematic because it represents flight noise averaged over a typical 24-hour period.
Noise that annoys: regulating unwanted sound
To be in with a chance of winning one, send your name and address on a postcard to: Debbie Johnson,
Kitsch Lounge Riot Comp,Liverpool Echo, PO Box 48, Old Hall Street,Liverpool,L69 3EB by next Friday.
24/seven: Win a riot of kitsch
The second is for two-dimensional artists and their favorite interpretation of
How Original! Art announces call for entries. (gallery News)
Setting itself apart from "Art," "
Kitsch"(4) presupposes salutary divisions between the real and the fake, between the authentic and the inauthentic.
O-o-h child, things are gonna get easier (like getting dressed in the morning) once you ditch the
kitsch and drive head-on into this never-say-die revival.
That '70s Glow
As a college student at the Rhode Island School of Design, Tom Huff began haunting flea markets and Salvation Army stores in upstate New York, collecting "Indian
kitsch" - plastic Indian figures, toy tom-toms, souvenirs, bottles of firewater," and products such as Cherikee Red Soda and Pow-Wow Cheese Puffs.
Stepin Fetchit Indians
Shanks uses Milan Kundera's conception of "
kitsch" as a literary schema that presents the possibilities for distortion that authoritarian ideologies possess.
Hegel's Political Theology
Step forward US quack Paul Lewis (Taylor
Kitsch) who's blackmailed into staying until the lucrative decision has been made.
BEFORE the heavens opened a huge ray of sunshine poured into Wales Millennium Centre with the latest fun offering from the glorious
Kitsch & Sync Collective dancers.
Kitch girl dancers are fun, retro and free! REVIEW: Kitsch & Sync Collective, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff ????? ....
Last year, Taylor
Kitsch, who played Tim Riggins on the show, said he was wary of rehashing his former character on the big screen.
Connie Britton Is A Big Supporter Of A 'Friday Night Lights' Movie, Peter Berg Serious About The Script [PHOTO]
I thought I'd offer fun and
kitsch finds that can't help but add a little pop to your winter looks.
Get the style
Talented botanist Ben (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and his buddy Chon (Taylor
Kitsch), a former Navy Seal and ex-mercenary, make a small fortune by growing marijuana in their sun-baked stretch of Orange County.
Drugs, sex and death