

slang Million. Usually refers to dollars or another currency. This deal should net us a cool 20 mil. You should have at least a mil or two in the bank before you start thinking about expanding the company to a new location.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a million; a million dollars. The government spent forty mil on this building.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • take the Browns to the Super Bowl
  • Aztec two-step
  • Montezuma
  • Montezuma’s revenge
  • Montezuma's revenge
  • for the long haul
  • a knock-down, drag-out fight
  • knock-down, drag-out fight
  • knock-down drag-out
  • be as/like oil and water
References in periodicals archive
Shaw's Supermarkets (East Bridgewater, Mass.) 68.5 mil. * +14.1%
Minyard Food Stores (Coppell, Texas) 62.5 mil. * +14.1%
Foodarama Supermarkets (Freehold, N.J.) 52.5 mil. +14.1%
D&W Food Centers (Grand Rapids, Mich.) 49.7 mil. * +14.1%
Eagle Pharmacies (Rock Island, Ill.) 49.3 mil. * +14.1%
HyVee/Drug Town (West Des Moines, Iowa) 560.0 mil. +2.8%
London Drugs (Richmond, British Columbia) 550.1 mil. (1) +7.1%
Pharmasave (Langley, British Columbia) 518.4 mil. (1) +7.1%
Wegmans Food Markets (Rochester, N.Y.) 463.9 mil. (1) +6.9%
SuperValu Pharmacies (Minneapolis) 411.4 mil. (1) +11.3%