midlife crisis

midlife crisis

A time of psychological anxiety that some individuals experience during their middle years. It can affect both men and women. In men, it sometimes takes the form of buying an expensive sports car or other equipment that emphasizes their youthfulness or fantasizing about beautiful young girls. Women may go on crash diets or undergo plastic surgery to regain a more youthful appearance. When the author’s son-in-law turned fifty, his wife reported that his midlife crisis involved looking for a bigger and better house, an unrealistic choice since their children were already enrolled in local schools. The term has also been transferred to institutions, countries, almost anything. An article by Russell Garland had, “Venture capital is having a midlife crisis. . . . The venture community in Silicon Valley is showing signs of middle age, moving more slowly and cautiously than before. . . .” (Wall Street Journal blog, July 23, 2010).
See also: crisis
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • the battle of the sexes
  • man is a wolf to man
  • good men are scarce
  • male blindness
  • M4M
  • bunch punch
  • bunch-punch
  • hold (one's) fire
  • hold fire
  • hold your fire
References in periodicals archive
Sleeping habits depend on so many things stress, the bed, the city, the person sleeping next to you and what they ate that night, the kind of neighbours you have it's not midlife crisis.
MEANWHILE, The Midlife Crisis Scholarship Fund is a financial stream created by the band to give musicians' children quality education at the UP College of Music without worrying tuition and miscellaneous fees.
I was hoping to publicly purge my midlife crisis so I could start fifty with a clean slate, but the project turned out to be so much more," says Andrea Dean.
Zoe Wicomb presents the reader with a contemporary issue--the midlife crisis. In this novel, it is a woman who goes through the crisis, yet it is the behavior of a man, Craig, who precipitates her awakening.
A source told Radar Online that the TV host was drinking and her outspoken rude behavior was winning her no friends these days and therefore, she was going through a bad midlife crisis that made her almost impossible to deal with.
My friends tell me that it's called a midlife crisis. I tell them they're nuts.
I am fast approaching my midlife crisis and want to buy a Jeep.
I don't know why the midlife crisis stereotype always seems to feature a man, it just does.
Gonzalez will perform again with the STCC Gallery Players in their production of "Our Town" and recently reprised his role as "Dionysus" for the production of The Midlife Crisis of Dionysus by Garrison Keillor.
Those tell-tale signs of males experiencing a midlife crisis may be sniggered at almost every day.
BY LAURENCE RASSE: FUNDACIO ANTONI TAPIES * FEBRUARY 24--APRIL 22 * ORGANIZED A retrospective is basically a midlife crisis, one that devolves on the stomach-churning question "What have I done?" The situation is especially dour when you've spent the past twenty years making works for the stage, not for museal quantification.
Summer romance and midlife crisis fuse smoothly into a subtle and affecting whole in Paula Hernandez's quietly compelling (if appallingly titled) "One Love." Well-crafted, understated and skilled in its nuanced handling of familiar materials, this deceptively unremarkable tale about a trio of friends reunited is made special by fine perfs from six actors, a script built on ellipses rather than explicitness, and most of all its evocation of emolions that will be uncomfortably familiar to anyone entering middle age.
Works from the album including" Midlife Crisis" and "In Time" that feature guest percussionist James Kassis will be performed at the International Horn Symposium in San Francisco and Wisconsin Green Lakes Festival in June.
"No Perfect Words" is a novel looking at the life of Caroline Traeger, struck with a midlife crisis and a seven year old daughter.
"Marrying George Clooney: Confessions from a Midlife Crisis" is a memoir by Amy Ferris.