
I don't mean maybe

I'm not joking about this; do what I'm asking or demanding without question or protest. I told you to go clean your room, and I don't mean maybe!
See also: maybe, mean

mama's baby, papa's maybe

colloquial It is typically easy to know who a baby's biological mother is, while the father is not always known for sure. Primarily heard in US. But how can you know he's your kid unless you take a paternity test? After all, mama's baby, papa's maybe.
See also: maybe

maybe another time

1. A polite way to refuse an invitation. A: "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" B: "Sorry, maybe another time. I have a lot of work I need to catch up on."
2. A polite response to such a refusal. A: "I wish I could come to your house for dinner, but I told my sister I would babysit for her." B: "That's all right, maybe another time."
See also: another, maybe, time

maybe some other time

1. A polite way to refuse an invitation. A: "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" B: "Sorry, maybe some other time. I have a lot of work I need to catch up on."
2. A polite response to such a refusal. A: "I wish I could come to your house for dinner, but I told my sister I would babysit for her." B: "That's all right, maybe some other time."
See also: maybe, other, time

maybees don't fly in June

It doesn't do any good to be so indecisive; quit thinking about hypothetical outcomes and make a decision. A pun on "maybe" and "bees," which are most prevalent in the summer months. A: "I think I prefer green, but maybe blue would be a better color for this room." B: "Look, maybees don't fly in June. Just pick one."
See also: fly, June, maybe
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

I don't mean maybe!

Inf. I am very serious about my demand or order. Bob: Do I have to do this? Sue: Do it now, and I don't mean maybe! Father: Get this place cleaned up! And I don't mean maybe! John: All right! I'll do it!
See also: mean

Maybe some other time.

 and We'll try again some other time.
a polite phrase said by a person whose invitation has just been turned down by another person. Bill: Do you think you can come to the party? Bob: I'll have to beg off. I have another engagement. Bill: Maybe some other time. John: Can you and Alice come over this Friday? Bill: Gee, sorry. We have something else on. John: We'll try again some other time.
See also: maybe, other, time
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

I don’t mean maybe!

exclam. I am not kidding! You get over here right now, and I don’t mean maybe!
See also: mean
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

Maybees don't fly in June

Stop changing your mind so much. “Maybees” is a pun on “maybes,” as in “If I do X, then maybe Y will happen, but if I don't do X, then maybe Z will happen . . . I just can't decide.” When someone used to hesitate in such a fashion, someone else would be sure to pipe up with the reminder that “maybes don't fly in June.”
See also: fly, June, Maybe
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • address (one's) comments to (someone or something)
  • address comments or remarks to
  • address (one's) remarks to (someone or something)
  • be in it for
  • be at a disadvantage
  • at a disadvantage
  • be more than (something)
  • be more than glad, ready, etc.
  • away from it all
  • be out of (one's) head
References in periodicals archive
"We are quite familiar with the oldies 'Maybe Jews run the world, maybe Jews use blood for their rituals, maybe Jews had slaughtered Jews in Poland'.
Maybe if Sunderland pulled off the impossible again, there will be another at Chelsea, but maybe not.
The Tall Ship Maybe will leave Blyth Port on Saturday but is set to return for the Regatta.
Then again, maybe eventually when all the craziness has died down, when daughter has rid herself of the bad juju, when she has cut her mother loose (flesh, spirit, past), maybe, maybe.
Built in 1929 for a wealthy Dutch family, Maybe is now owned by British skipper Capt Steve Swallow and can carry up to 30 passengers and is suitable for youngsters aged 12 years and above.
For more call For more call 09050 700 438 Cancer June 21 - July 22 YOU'RE looking for new things, looking for new things, maybe new romance, but can maybe new romance, but can you do that by setting your life you do that by setting your life on the same old path?
TEST START: YES NO MAYBE 14 JONATHAN DAVIES 9 Wonderful game for the Welshman.
tin plate or maybe it was foil of some kind--I don't remember and
Maybe, some of us believed what we saw about business-friendly Bahrain and all the great things it has done to develop its judicial system in line with that in the West.
"Love Cookie Monster's Call Me Maybe, made my day," tweeted Sezzab.
And then it hits me: "If I'm a child now, and not a wretch like I used to be, maybe that changes things." So I think, "Well, if I'm really a child, maybe I don't need 'amazing' grace anymore; 'pretty good' grace would probably do."
The best of your emails Maybe has most Maybe and Best Terms are both top fillies but Maybe has the greater scope.
If loved ones are away from home, we keep in touch, maybe unburdening our worries, maybe asking for advice, maybe telling them how much we appreciate their support, maybe telling them how much we love them, or maybe a quick cry for help, or a word of thanks.
Maybe we can take comfort in the saying "time heals all wounds." Maybe, with the passage of time, things will work out OK.
I think I have a bigger perspective than he has and maybe that's a good match.