

A portmanteau of "fan canon," aspects or material that are not officially part of the source material (of a work of fiction) but that fans promote or think could logically exist or occur in the source material. "Fanon" can be used interchangeably with "head canon," although the latter can also be applied to an individual fan's ideas, as opposed to those that have gained widespread currency. That pairing must be fanon because I definitely don't remember seeing those two kiss in any episode of the series.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • canon
  • fan canon
  • head canon
  • unobtainium
  • unobtanium
  • slash fic
  • tie-in
  • Does (one) look like (something)?
  • dredge
  • dredge up
References in periodicals archive
Cet etat de fait a ete corrobore par la residente en medecine, Amira Boukhelari, au niveau de l'unite Hassiba Ben Bouali du CHU Franz Fanon, qui a signale l'accueil au niveau de cette unite de nombreux cas d'accouchements prematures dus a un etat d'anxiete et de stress extreme de la femme concernee".
A partir de uma concepcao interseccionalista de analise social, pretende-se, ao longo deste artigo, apresentar uma leitura das obras Pele Negra, Mascaras Brancas (2008) e Os Condenados da Terra (1968), de Frantz FANON (1968; 2008), articulando-as a concepcoes feministas, principalmente aquelas propostas por teorias que se ocupam em entrelacar distintas formas de diferencas e desigualdades sociais.
Esta releitura da recepcao de Frantz Fanon no Brasil propoe desvelar as lacunas em relacao a associacao masculinista dos comentadores e academicos brasileiros na recepcao do pensamento africano ou diasporico.
Fanon's insights in Black Skin, White Masks (BSWM) "instead of
The application of Fanon to these instances that will follow will expose whether or not there is justification in the sentiments of the people written about in the following section.
Fanon became an important part of the intellectual foundation of the black consciousness movement.
This book collects previously unpublished writings by 20th-century philosopher, psychiatrist, social critic, and playwright Frantz Fanon, author of the pioneering works of critical race theory Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth.
Thus, Dussel, Fanon, and Sorel become tools in the process of decolonizing dialectics and repudiating the primordial position of Eurocentrism, teleology, determinism, and class in many dialectical analyses.
Under the title "Fanon in the Present," this roundtable foregrounded Frantz Fanon's relationship to global protest movements and the resistance they engendered.
Titled 'Bruno Boudjelal: Frantz Fanon', this exhibition reflects the artist's search for reliable traces of past histories and the imprint of Fanon's memory.
Thinking Freedom in Africa is one of the 2017 Frantz Fanon Outstanding Book Award winners, awarded by the Caribbean Philosophical Association.
Indeed, I shall argue that alienation remains a salient category of lived experience in post-Apartheid South Africa--and that, by examining its various iterations in the works of, specifically, Karl Marx, Frantz Fanon, and Erich Fromm, the prospect of a more democratic psychotherapy starts to emerge.
Fanon's pivotal study of colonialism Is as relevant as ever today.