
  • (with) kind regards
  • a (kind of) reflection on (someone or something)
  • a (kind of) turn of mind
  • a kind of
  • a kind of (something)
  • a kind word for everybody
  • all kinds of
  • all kinds of (people or things)
  • anything of the kind
  • be (not) the marrying kind
  • be cast in a (some kind of) mold
  • be cruel to be kind
  • be one of a kind
  • crawl with (someone or something)
  • crawling with some kind of creature
  • doesn't have a (certain kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • get (some kind of) mileage out of (something)
  • get some kind of mileage out of
  • I could murder (some kind of food)
  • in (some kind of) fashion
  • in a (kind of) light
  • in kind
  • It takes all kinds
  • it takes all kinds (to make a world)
  • keep (some kind of) hours
  • kind of
  • kind of/sort of
  • kindest regards
  • let out (some sound)
  • let out some kind of sound
  • not have a (kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • not have a (some kind of) bone in (one's) body
  • nothing of the kind
  • nothing of the kind/sort
  • nothing of the sort
  • of a kind
  • of a kind/sort
  • of a/an/the (something) persuasion
  • of its kind
  • of the same kind
  • one of a kind
  • paint a (some kind of) picture of (something)
  • pay (one) back in (one's) own coin
  • pay (one) back in kind
  • some kind of
  • something of the kind
  • something of the sort
  • something of the/that kind/sort
  • sort of
  • sound a (kind of) note
  • strike a (kind of) note
  • thank you for a (some kind of) evening
  • thank you for a (some kind of) time
  • thanks for a (some kind of) evening
  • thanks for a (some kind of) time
  • the (some kind of) gods
  • the killer kind
  • two of a kind
  • virgin (some kind of drink)
  • with advance notice
  • you have to be cruel to be kind
References in classic literature
Above all others, men of genius and learning shared the principal place in his favour; and in these he had much discernment: for though he had missed the advantage of a learned education, yet, being blest with vast natural abilities, he had so well profited by a vigorous though late application to letters, and by much conversation with men of eminence in this way, that he was himself a very competent judge in most kinds of literature.
Nor, for that matter, did any of my human kind ever break through the wall of my sleep.
As I looked at the leaves and branches and gnarls, it came to me with distressing vividness that I had seen that same kind of tree many and countless times n my sleep.
"I must admit that a Marionette fish is, for me, an entirely new kind of fish.
To his great surprise, he found himself in a huge net, amid a crowd of fish of all kinds and sizes, who were fighting and struggling desperately to free themselves.
Nor was this all; he told such pleasant tales of the life he led before he came to live with them, that many grew unhappy and discontented, and they who had before wished no greater joy than the love and praise of their kind Queen, now disobeyed and blamed her for all she had done for them.
So while the industrious bees were out among the flowers, he led the drones to the hive, and took possession of the honey, destroying and laying waste the home of the kind bees; then, fearing that in their grief and anger they might harm him, Thistle flew away to seek new friends.
If she has a kind of a dull time with Mirandy, on account o' her bein' so sharp, why of course she'd set great store by your comp'ny.
When Rebecca crept upstairs, and undressing in the dark finally found herself in her bed that night, though she was aching and throbbing in every nerve, she felt a kind of peace stealing over her.
Oh, Anne, I know I've been kind of strict and harsh with you maybe-- but you mustn't think I didn't love you as well as Matthew did, for all that.
I got to tell the truth, and you want to brace up, Miss Mary, because it's a bad kind, and going to be hard to take, but there ain't no help for it.
(which took place as the coach rolled along lazily by the river side) that though Miss Rebecca Sharp has twice had occasion to thank Heaven, it has been, in the first place, for ridding her of some person whom she hated, and secondly, for enabling her to bring her enemies to some sort of perplexity or confusion; neither of which are very amiable motives for religious gratitude, or such as would be put forward by persons of a kind and placable disposition.
But for this strange kind of secrecy maintained by them relative to their engagement, which in fact concealed nothing at all, she could not account; and it was so wholly contradictory to their general opinions and practice, that a doubt sometimes entered her mind of their being really engaged, and this doubt was enough to prevent her making any inquiry of Marianne.
THE tendency of the principle of legislation for States, or communities, in their political capacities, as it has been exemplified by the experiment we have made of it, is equally attested by the events which have befallen all other governments of the confederate kind, of which we have any account, in exact proportion to its prevalence in those systems.
I propose to treat of Poetry in itself and of its various kinds, noting the essential quality of each; to inquire into the structure of the plot as requisite to a good poem; into the number and nature of the parts of which a poem is composed; and similarly into whatever else falls within the same inquiry.