kick the can

kick the can

1. noun A children's game in which an empty metal can is placed in a visible location while one player, designated as "It," tries to find the other, hiding, players. If a player is found, they are brought to particular area where they must remain until the round is over, or until a hiding player kicks the can before "It" is able to do so. What are you doing, cooped up inside on a gorgeous day like this? We used to go out and play kick the can when we were your age!
2. Especially in politics, to postpone or defer a definitive action, decision, or solution, usually by effecting a short-term one instead. It looks as though Congress is going to kick the can on the debt ceiling issue again, passing another quick-fix spending bill that will take them to January. They'll have to find a lasting solution eventually, though.
See also: can, kick
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • angle
  • angling
  • fire and brimstone
  • high
  • high, wide, and handsome
  • wear (one's) apron high
  • bummer
  • beater