kick (something) into the long grass

kick (something) into the long grass

To halt or stall something, especially a plan or project, so as to postpone having to make a decision or action regarding it. Primarily heard in UK. I say we kick the app release date into the long grass until we can all agree on a marketing plan for it.
See also: grass, kick, long
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

kick something into the long grass

If someone kicks an idea or plan into the long grass, they refuse to deal with it immediately, often because it will create problems for them. There were suggestions this week that the Government intends to kick the proposals into the long grass. Compare with kick something into touch.
See also: grass, kick, long, something
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

kick something into the long ˈgrass


kick something into ˈtouch

(both British English) reject, remove or stop dealing with a problem: He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.
In rugby and football, if a ball is kicked into touch (= the area outside the lines that mark the sides of the playing field), play stops.
See also: grass, kick, long, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • kick something into the long grass
  • stall the digger
  • put (something) on the long finger
  • put something on the long finger
  • prohibit from
  • play a waiting game
  • kick the tin
  • kick the can down the road
  • with respect to
  • with respect to (someone or something)