Fancy your chances? Applicants must be 18 or over and have tofill out a form to apply.
Singletons from Liverpool needed for new series of Take Me Out; Could you find yourself on the Isle of Fernando's?
WALK this way - if you
fancy your chances of being the next Miss Northern Ireland.
Miss NI hopefuls on road to success
Fancy your chances? Get your guesses in for next weekend's card (cup-ties and SPL included) to the usual address.
They both look pretty scary but you might
fancy your chances against either of them in a dark alley if they are going to react to a nudge like that.
DOES your dog have the waggiest tail, or do you
fancy your chances at the coconut shy?
A dog's chance!
If you
fancy your chances get your guesses in for next weekend's card to the usual address.
FANCY YOUR CHANCES? The alluring Miss Stone' BASIC INSTINCTS: Stan Collymore
Romancing the Stone
Fancy your chances? Pick two from next weekend's SPL card you think will make the nets bulge to bursting point.
If you
fancy your chances give Scott McNicol a ring on 01556 502011.
Fishing: Peever Club
If you
fancy your chances of beating the bookies next week, just answer the following question and send your entry to the address below along with your name, address and daytime phone number.
DAVID MacDONALD is this week's pounds 25 treble bet winner
But the number of places is limited, and entry is by pre-booking only, so if you
fancy your chances, contact David Neil now on 01292 281945.
ANGLING: Flashing the cash
IF you
fancy your chances of grabbing a slice of a pounds 30,000 prize pool, get your name down for the John Smith Angling Championship.
Fishing: Catch some cash