
Related to lying: laying, Pathological lying, lying down
  • if I'm lying, I'm dying
  • leave (something) about
  • leave (something) lying about
  • leave (something) lying around
  • lie (one's) way into (something or some place)
  • lie about
  • lie ahead of (someone or something)
  • lie alongside (someone or something)
  • lie around
  • lie at (one's) door
  • lie at anchor
  • lie at death's door
  • lie at the bottom of (something)
  • lie back
  • lie before (someone or something)
  • lie behind (someone or something)
  • lie beyond
  • lie by
  • lie doggo
  • lie down
  • lie down on (someone or something)
  • lie down on the job
  • lie down under (something)
  • lie fallow
  • lie heavy
  • lie in
  • lie in ruins
  • lie in state
  • lie in store
  • lie in wait
  • lie like a rug
  • lie like a tombstone
  • lie like a trooper
  • lie low
  • lie low and sing small
  • lie off
  • lie out
  • lie through (one's) teeth
  • lie to
  • lie to (one)
  • lie with (one)
  • not take (something) lying down
  • not take something lying down
  • take (something) lying down
  • take it lying down, to
  • take lying down
  • take something lying down
References in classic literature
At first impressions of the snow-storm, the sledge-shafts, and the horse with the shaft-bow shaking before his eyes, kept passing through his mind, then he remembered Nikita lying under him, then recollections of the festival, his wife, the police-officer, and the box of candles, began to mingle with these; then again Nikita, this time lying under that box, then the peasants, customers and traders, and the white walls of his house with its iron roof with Nikita lying underneath, presented themselves to his imagination.
Then the taper-box was no longer a box but a bed, and suddenly Vasili Andreevich saw himself lying in his bed at home.
I say, Nikolaevna, isn't he here yet?' 'No.' He was still lying on his bed and could not get up, but was always waiting.
He remembered that Nikita was lying under him and that he had got warm and was alive, and it seemed to him that he was Nikita and Nikita was he, and that his life was not in himself but in Nikita.
What's the matter?" made Natasha approach more swiftly to what was lying in the corner.
It was restful lying there, for the sun was now obscured by clouds and Tarzan was very tired.
Presently we began again to get a little strength; and as the soldiers were now lying closer along the river-side, Alan proposed that we should try a start.
The way was very intricate, lying up the steep sides of mountains and along the brows of cliffs; clouds had come in with the sunset, and the night was dark and cool; so that I walked without much fatigue, but in continual fear of falling and rolling down the mountains, and with no guess at our direction.
The living in this manner with him, and his with me, was certainly the most undesigned thing in the world; he often protested to me, that when he became first acquainted with me, and even to the very night when we first broke in upon our rules, he never had the least design of lying with me; that he always had a sincere affection for me, but not the least real inclination to do what he had done.
She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country.
There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him.
When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.
Scrambling to his feet, Numa looked about quickly in all directions, as though seeking to detect the possible presence of other foes; but only the still and unconscious form of the girl, lying a few paces from him met his gaze, and with an angry growl he placed a forepaw upon the body of his kill and raising his head gave voice to his savage victory cry.
As she lay tormented by these frightful thoughts, she suddenly became conscious that the bonds at her wrists and ankles no longer hurt her, and then of the fact that her hands were separated, one lying upon either side of her, instead of both being confined at her back.
For now, while so quietly Lying, it fancies A holier odor About it, of pansies -- A rosemary odor, Commingled with pansies -- With rue and the beautiful Puritan pansies.