

Yes, definitely. A more emphatic way to say "absolutely." Will I be at your birthday party? Abso-bloody-lutely!


rude slang Yes, definitely. A more emphatic way to say "absolutely." Will I be at your birthday party? Abso-fucking-lutely!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. absolutely; emphatically. We are abso-bloody-lutely sick to death of your wishy-washy attitude.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • abso
  • abso-bloody-lutely
  • absotively
  • absotively posilutely
  • no doubt about it
  • definitely
  • definitely not
  • Definitely not!
  • as sure as hell
References in classic literature
Grotesque and foolish as this will seem to the sober reader, it is abso- lutely true, and what is more remarkable, I found the card game and several others we played extremely interesting.
She was mine, more abso- lutely mine for possession and care than anything in the world; an object of responsibility and de- votion.
He has had ankle lutely shocking, should be ashamed of themselves.
f Bu lutely m thing Yep sev lik th "But he was absolutely fine.
o fields Clares rival in the outn the shape of s in the opening lutely FLYING at fully nothing r him in the e Th ill b h H ll d There will be three Hollandrunners in that heat, with Clona Kid and Drive On Tipp occupying the two inside boxes.
By now, it should be no mystery to anybody that people abso- lutely hate ads.
I still feel we need a couple more wins to be abso lutely sure but the players are definitely now look-lutely looking at the table and saying 'can we finish in the top 10?'.
"And if people don't want to do "And if people don't want to do " any more with it, then they abso" any more with it, then they absolutely don't have to." "lutely don't have to."
AS FILM MAJORS AT TEMPLE U., future Abso Lutely Prods.
"e numbers were "e numbers were crazy - really, abso crazy - really, absolutely crazy," he lutely crazy," he said.
The permits were billed to Abso Lutely Productions, which has produced Fielder's show.
Nate believed that the creators of Cult and the characters on the show were after him, which Jeff considered absoli lutely pre posterous ...
At the heart of Penso's strat- egy are statistician and scientist Andrew Ehrenberg's "abso- lutely rock solid marketinglaws of growth".
"Seven points of nine is a great start and so obviously I am abso lutely delighted," said the manager.