light bulb

light bulb

A sudden ingenious or inspired idea or insight. We spent hours trying to come up with a solution, when suddenly a light bulb went on in my head. A light-bulb moment came to me as I was taking a bath the other day.
See also: bulb, light
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. I began to feel a little light along about the fourth beer.
2. n. an eye. (Crude. Usually plural.) You want I should poke your lights out?
3. n. a police car. A couple of lights turned the corner just as the robbers were pulling away.

light bulb

n. a pregnant woman. (Jocular. Refers to the shape of a pregnant woman.) Who’s the light bulb on the sofa?
See also: bulb, light
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • light
  • a light bulb goes on in (one's) brain
  • a light bulb goes on in (one's) head
  • have a light bulb go on (in (one's) head)
  • have a light bulb go on in (one's) brain
  • a light-bulb moment
  • have a light-bulb moment
  • have a light bulb go off (in (one's) head)
  • have a light bulb go off in (one's) brain
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) head
References in periodicals archive
Q: How many Richard Gordons does it take to change light bulb?
Caption: MOST INCANDESCENT AND HALOGEN light bulbs are on the way out.
It is climate change, allegedly caused by the increased emissions of C02 and other greenhouse gases, that provides the rationale for the global eradication of incandescent light bulbs, as we have seen.
Light bulbs that are not energy efficient will be banned across the United Arab Emirates by the end of this year as the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (Esma) has expanded its range of efficiency standards to cover more electrical equipment and appliances.
After all, used light bulbs often end up in landfills, which poses a significant danger to the environment and proves costly.
Light bulbs that are not energy efficient will be banned across the UAE by the end of this year as the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (Esma) has expanded its range of efficiency standards to cover more electrical equipment and appliances.
A large, risk-free LED light bulb replacement program would cost a small fraction of the expenditure proposed for invasive meters.
Economist Ben Stein dubbed the government's action "raw, Bolshevik, Orwellian," while political commentator Fred Barnes promised "to hoard hundreds of the old-fashioned light bulbs." Other Fox voices complained about the "ugly" light quality of compact fluorescent bulbs, an alternative to incandescents, as well as their high cost and the fact that they contain mercury, a hazardous substance.
Dubai: A new lighting regulation, drafted by the Emirates Standardisation and Metrology Authority (Esma), is awaiting cabinet approval, following which all inefficient light bulbs and other lighting units will be phased out, Gulf News has learnt.
In the electrical category, the influx of new light bulb technologies replacing incandescent means, in addition to inventory changes, you need employees trained to sell those items.
He explained LED energy-saving light bulbs provide 50% saving and higher efficiency of approximately 15% and enjoy high technology and lifespan longer three times when comparing them with the traditional light bulbs, indicating this type of lighting is considered environment friendly light bulb.
Summary: Frankfurt: German light bulb maker Osram, which is soon to be spun off by its ...
One miniature lamp holder that fits your light bulb and has two exposed screws
For light bulbs, order NSN 6240-12-344-8188, which brings you a single halogen light bulb.
Sydney, Sept 19 ( ANI ): An entrepreneur in Australia has developed a light bulb that can last for 25 years and be controlled by smartphone.