keep one's own counsel

keep (one's) own counsel

To not share one's thoughts or plans with others. I'm just naturally a private person, so I keep my own counsel.
See also: counsel, keep, own
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

keep one's own counsel

Say little or nothing about one's opinions or intentions. For example, Betty is notorious for keeping her own counsel; you never know what she really thinks. This expression employs counsel in the sense of "a secret," a usage dating from about 1300.
See also: counsel, keep, own
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • keep (one's) own counsel
  • keep own counsel
  • keep your own counsel
  • keep faith with
  • keep faith with (someone or something)
  • keep (something) by
  • keep by
  • counsel (someone) about (something)
  • counsel about
  • earn its keep
References in periodicals archive
Whilst Keane may have thought that the squad was as close to matching Arsenal as they have ever been, until they start performing on a consistent level it is best to keep one's own counsel. It is now 20 games since Tottenham beat Arsenal so even if they had won on Saturday it would hardly constitute a change in the balance of power.
Life had taught her some valuable lessons, like knowing when to make people laugh, nurturing a sense of self-worth, realising the value of self-deprecation, learning to keep one's own counsel, and developing an inner steel.