
the mot juste

The precise word you want to use; the exactly right word. The phrase is French for "right word." When I'm writing, there's no better feeling than having the mot juste come right into your head for what you're trying to express.
See also: juste, mot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • the mot juste
  • on the nose
  • alright
  • am I right?
  • If it was a snake it woulda bit you
  • if it was a snake, it would've bit you
  • exactly right
  • droit de seigneur
  • be right back
  • brb
References in classic literature
Come, speak frankly, mon fils; elle est encore jeune, plus agee que toi peut-etre, mais juste asset pour unir la tendresse d'une petite maman a l'amour d'une epouse devouee; n'est-ce pas que cela t'irait superieurement?"
You do not know what he wants to do with me, this worthy son of Louis le Juste! -- But, Mordioux!
RIGA, Aug 20 (LETA) - 46 newborn babies have been left in baby boxes in Latvia since the BabyBox project commenced in Latvia ten years ago, as the project's representative Jana Juste told LETA.
Ross Video has strengthened its global sales team with the appointment ofOscar Juste as Vice President of Sales for EMEA, Asia & Latin America, effective immediately.
Nous avons suivi avec grand interet le consensus international de rejet de la decision de l'Administration americaine, eu egard a ses repercussions gravissimes sur les perspectives du processus de paix et Nous avons considere ce consensus comme un message de soutien fort aux droits du peuple palestinien et a sa cause juste, a sa tete la ville d'Al-Qods Acharif.
As Levitin writes in his commentary, "Flaubert was wrong when he spoke of 'le mot juste! The very nature of reality and language precludes such a thing.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Aug 14 (ANI): FC Goa has confirmed the signing of defender Sergio Juste Marin for the upcoming third edition of the Indian Super League (ISL).
Juste as managing director and senior equity research analyst covering the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) space.
Juste, L.Ac, Holistic Insights for Everyday Wellness is a concise guide for those looking for additional ways to become healthier happier and less stressed.
By the early 2000s, after a period in which eradication seemed to be at arm's reach, it became apparent that bovine TB was once again a significant problem for the livestock industry," recalls Dr Ramon Juste. An expert in epidemiology and the control of slow infections, Juste's research background has equipped him with experience vital for combating the disease.
Red Dragons keeper Andy Coughlin denied Danny Clarke and the everdangerous Jason St Juste in one-onones either side of half-time as United, who ply their trade a level below Wrexham in the Conference North, battled to get back on terms in front of a crowd of 14,585.