just a dab'll do ya

just a dab'll do ya

A small amount of something, especially a paste, cream, ointment, etc., will be enough to serve your purpose. Based on an advertising slogan ("A little dab'll do ya!") in the 1950s for Brylcreem, a men's hair-styling cream. Primarily heard in US. This is a very powerful anti-inflammatory cream, so don't use too much—just a dab'll do ya. Now, just a dab'll do ya with this chili paste, as you don't want to overpower the other flavors in the curry.
See also: just, YA
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a little dab'll do ya
  • praise
  • paste (something) on
  • paste on
  • paste something on someone
  • seep out
  • mash
  • mash (something) with (something)
  • mash with
  • rub in