Goran Adamovski, provoked by the several break-ins
in the house of leader of party United for Macedonia Ljube Boskoski, comments for Utrinski vesnik that there are many coincidences in these break-ins.
What is there on vodno?
Police said they responded and found Ryan Gibree, 19, of 318 Clemence Hill Road, Southbridge,
in the house.
Police probe suspect's link to burglaries
"It is important to highlight that homeowners should lock their front doors even when they are
in the house.
Warning to keep your home secure
Since William's arrest, none of the family have been allowed to work due to their immigration status and visa violations, and as a consequence, they could not afford to remain
in the house they had rented since first arriving in Kentucky in 1995.
Uncertain future: The Absconder Initiative uproots a Filipino family from Kentucky. (Report)
(15.) The original version of the Administration's proposal was introduced
in the House on June 24, 2002.
Reorganization as a substitute for reform: the abolition of the INS
The Labour backbencher said: "Having a car broken into or finding burglars
in the house is what people tell me they are most frightened of.
O'Brien praises drop in crime
He kicked, maced, and assaulted an NBC television cameraman, whom the attorney general's intelligence had told her would be
in the house, and destroyed his opportunity to film the raid.
The Elian Gonzalez Raid Was Illegal
The Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration is opposed to the exemption, and no action is expected
in the House version of the bill.
According to him, removing the AP photographer when he was already in the house "would have been even greater police-state measures.
According to Sanders, Zumbado encountered INS agents already in the house when he entered.
Reading Elian
The Republicans
in the House and in the Senate have succeeded in persuading the American people that the budget deficit is growing so fast that it is going to overwhelm our children and our grandchildren.
Budget hysterics
That man was later sentenced to 18 months
in the House of Correction.
Police warning of daytime house breaks
Then, in April, it ordered Republican leaders
in the House to bring up Sensenbrenner's bill for a second vote--this time with an amendment granting amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal (mostly Mexican) immigrants.
Borderline insanity: President Bush wants the INS to stop granting visas to terrorists. The biggest obstacle? His own administration
"No one, but no one, who was born in America forty or fifty or sixty years ago and who grew up and came through what I came through, who witnessed the changes I witnessed, can possibly say that America is not a far better place than it was."
In the House, he has basically stayed the liberal course, opposing the gulf war and supporting the Clintonian position of "mend it, don't end it" on affirmative action.
Walking With the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement
Hougan stumbled across the key in the FBI archives and soon proclaimed it "quite literally, the key to the breakin." But, strangely enough, it never surfaced during the Ervin Committee hearings in the Senate or
in the House Judiciary Committee deliberations; indeed, nobody I know had ever heard of it before Hougan's book.
Watergate: The Corruption of American Politics and the Fall of Richard Nixon