In the context of the prevailing security milieu, threat alerts about possible terrorist attacks on these vital installations were received from intelligence sources quite frequently.
Gatherings banned on The Mall for six months
This was achieved through KZT1.4bn FX gains on investments (2014: KZT0.1bn FX loss), which arose
in the context of a severe devaluation of Kazakh tenge in 2015.
Fitch Affirms Kazakhmys Insurance Company at IFS at 'B+'; Outlook Stable
The court, however, found that "the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor, critical
in the context of collecting unemployment benefits and workers' compensation, is immaterial in the instant case." The court said that whether he considered himself an independent contractor or a municipal official, the ordinary meaning of "employment" (to hire or engage the services of someone) encompassed his relationship with the town.
Thou Shalt Not Slander
The factoid, first noted by security site Sophos, was
in the context of an entry introducing new security features for the social network.
Facebook Says 600,000 accounts compromised per day
Or maybe it just seems safer to question Ms Dorries's skills as a driver
in the context of her job rather than her gender, when she is behind the wheel of something that could cause serious injury.
In the context of interesting advertisements promoting "a new design for living," she examines "weapons of mass persuasion" tie-ins with defense industry products and New Deal recovery efforts.
From submarines to suburbs; selling a better America, 1939-1959
and Gestatten ..., of course, is that Immendorff's aspirations to relate his work to social realities have been replaced by an ambition to place it
in the context of art history.
Jorg Immendorff: Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
In the Wood decision, Arizona adopted a "triple-trigger" or continuous trigger theory
in the context of what was an underlying toxic tort bodily injury.
Continuous impact: an Arizona court case may have set a precedent in accepting the continuous trigger theory of insurance coverage
Mano a Mano plans to run ads in local Spanish-language newspapers this fall that place gay people
in the context of familia.
Gaily ever after: is gay marriage the new civil rights struggle or has it co-opted a legacy?
Design in Context, Decide in Context--ENOVIA VPM Navigator provides unprecedented data management capabilities from within the familiar environment of CATIA, allowing engineers to manage their designs
in the context of the overall product, collaborate in a dynamic design environment, avoid errors, and speed development cycles.
Dassault Systemes and IBM announce Version 5 Release 13 of their product lifecycle management portfolio
Federal courts are divided on the crucial question of whether [section]242(a)(2)(B)(ii)'s catch-all phrase, "any other [discretionary] decision or action of the Attorney General [except asylum]" should be given a narrow interpretation, as applying only to decisions made
in the context of removal proceedings, or whether it should be construed broadly as barring federal court review of all discretionary immigration decisions.
Judicial review of administrative immigration decisions: can the doctrine of "ejusdem generis" save it from extinction?
In the context of medical malpractice, tort reform legislation generally limits the amount of damages awarded to plaintiffs, particularly for noneconomic damages--for pain, suffering, and emotional distress--and punitive damages.
Tort reform reshapes assisted living landscape
It's ironic too
in the context of my daily work which in volves using the w eband e- mail for fast-paced communications.
Why I support a Liverpool-Londonair link by Chris Beer,managing director of Splinter Design Communications
The need to examine genetic and environmental influences and behaviors
in the context of dynamism of interactive aging systems is increasingly apparent, and unprecedented opportunities to do so are now available.
Genetics, behavior, and aging