Trade procedures should ensure that the reconciled authorized orders are executed recorded, confirmed, settled in the customer's account and in the case of TSC or deemed TSC broker, the broker maintains the segregated custody of customer balances to prevent misuse of client funds.
In the case of TSC or deemed TSC broker, the securities brokers should demonstrate that funds of clients are not used for brokers own benefit.
In the case of TSC or deemed TSC broker, the securities broker should keep records of all amounts deposited into the designated bank account(s), specifying the customers on whose behalf the amounts are held and the dates on which the amounts were received and all payments from the designated bank account(s) through cross cheques or other banking channels, the dates of those payments, and the names of the customers on whose behalf the payments are made.
SECP issues guidelines for securities brokers
The Florida Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of the no-fault property damage statute
in the case of Kluger v.
The advent of paper IMEs in no-fault claims: win they be a solution or a problem?
In the case of John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA), in 2004 and 2003, the insurer was able to use loss carry forwards to reduce its tax bill, says Patrick Gill, senior vice president and comptroller with the company, based in Boston.
In the case of General American, he says, the rise in taxes paid was due to an increase in earnings as well as a loss of tax carry forwards.
Tax payments are up--for many reasons
Workers' compensation covers employees
in the case of injury, disability or death resulting from workplace hazards.
Workers' compensation
The importance of subjecting the government's anti-terrorism strategy to public scrutiny was evidenced
in the case of Malek Zeidan.
The people's right to know vs. government secrecy: an immigration reporter joins a legal case to gain access to court hearings. (INS Coverage)
(24) The intense public interest
in the case of Elian Gonzalez, a young Cuban boy who was paroled to relatives in Miami, helped to highlight concerns about the INS's detention and treatment of so many other children.
Living up to America's values: reforming the U.S. detention system for asylum seekers
These people can no longer enter, or--as
in the case of a Canadian businessman found to have passed a few bad checks 20 years earlier--they are jailed.
America's Harsh and Unjust IMMIGRATION LAWS
She said
in the case of an unaccompanied minor, INS regulations say it must "attempt to remedy the situation by finding the child's parent or legal guardian, even if that person is outside the United States."
In the case of Mbanefo, McChesney served as a vital link to the Ibo Catholic community.
INS detentions: no crime needed; '96 immigration reform laws mean more deportations, longer stays in prison
In the case of a person who moves to or from the United States during the year, this allows a treaty-based residency determination for any portion of the year during which dual residency exists (Regs.
Final regulations define resident alien
Canada adopted this argument
in the case of the Ecuadoran woman, who had repeatedly asked for police protection to no avail.
Second-class refugees: persecuted women are denied asylum
I was specifically interested
in the case of a Minneapolis woman who had become the target of FBI harassment after she had hosted a group of West Bank mayors during their tour of the United States.
The Arab scare: when the heat is on, Arab-Americans lose their rights