Frequently he's assigned a hold at a controller-defined fix (e.g., "XYZ 050 radial, 20 DME fix") that is not published anywhere on the charts or in his panel-mounted, GPS-driven display database.
Even so, there's no need to fly around the hold at cruise speed.
Use the GPS OBS mode when assigned a hold at something other than a published fix.
If you're experiencing an abnormal condition, such as an electrical abnormality or the need to manually extend landing gear, request a hold at a safe altitude in which to run your checklist and troubleshoot as needed.
Hold me, thrill me: if you're doing them right, holds are anything but thrilling. but they can be useful at times
For most personal aircraft, speed limitations are not something we need to worry about and--since we're going nowhere in a hurry when holding--we'd suggest flying the
hold at best-endurance power.
Dissecting the hold: despite currency requirements, for-real holds are too rare for us to stay proficient. Understanding them is easy if we break them down to the basics
Perhaps more significantly, when the former shareholders or partners of the domestic entity
hold at least 80% of the foreign surrogate corporation, that foreign corporation will be treated as a domestic corporation for all Sec.
Corporate inversions and the affiliate-owned stock rule