The remainder of the novel chronicles the vicissitudes of love between "a man of flesh" and "a woman of spirit" whose lives
intertwine and often conflict over the decades while they build a household, develop their life work, struggle with alcoholism, and attempt to raise righteous children.
Be I Whole
Such findings show how nature and nurture
intertwine during development, say the researchers.
Maternal care may leave brain legacy. (Behavior)
Jackson Jr., has written his first book, Harlemworld: Doing Race and Class in Contemporary Black America, in which he examines how race and class
intertwine and subsequently impact black America in general and Harlem, in particular.
Harlemworld: Doing Race and Class in Contemporary Black America. (nonfiction reviews)
Finally, all four lie down and let their soles nudge, stack, squiggle, and
intertwine in a little ballet of their own.
To get the degree of light-bending needed, it's necessary to
intertwine two different polymers in the same lens.
Contacts for aging baby boomers' eyes?
Exaggeratedly white objects (e.g., the pillow on Freud's couch) loom out of tenebristic darkness; elsewhere, black and white
intertwine in a deviously decorative Rorschach-like design, as in the triptych enlarging three details of the carpet that covered the famous couch.
infants annually, the retinopathy is caused by abnormal branching of blood vessels in the underdeveloped eye that
intertwine and prevent normal vessel growth throughout the retina, which lines the eye's interior.
Cold probe reduces preemie blindness
Taylor's newest novel takes readers back to the 19th-century London of Shadowmancer where fantasy and fact
intertwine, creating a dark world where both angels and demons lurk among the shadows.
Taylor, G.P. Wormwood
A bit confusing at the start, this tale becomes more intriguing as the characters develop and their stories
intertwine. There's a nice bit of romance and family values, too.
The Caves of Buda
A pair of dancers
intertwine and partnering is pushed to its limit so that their bodies become a primeval tangle.
Lines Contemporary Ballet
In this tale set on an atoll of the Marshall Islands, the mythological and mundane
intertwine in the lives of natives and Americans.
Barclay, Robert. Melal: a novel of the Pacific
While the colors and lines
intertwine and seem to pull together from sheer density, the faintly drawn head, partially erased and set apart from the central rectangular composition spills a series of diagrammatic lines out of its mouth echoing one of the two sculptures in the show, Untitled (Nerves) No.
Betty Goodwin
Through a series of flashbacks from both William and Morrison, the story begins to
intertwine and it becomes apparent that Morrison is pursuing William for more than just a bounty.
Durham, David Anthony. Walk through darkness, a novel