
Related to join: join up
  • (Do you) care if I join you?
  • (Do you) mind if I join you?
  • (would you) care to join me/us
  • be joined at the hip
  • Can I join you?
  • care to join us?
  • combine forces (with one)
  • Could I join you?
  • do/join battle
  • If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
  • If you can't beat them, join them
  • If you can't lick 'em, join 'em
  • join (someone or something) to (something)
  • join (up) the dots
  • join battle
  • join battle (with someone or something)
  • join forces
  • join forces (with one)
  • join hands
  • join in
  • join issue
  • join issue with (someone or something)
  • join the club
  • Join the club!
  • join the fray
  • join the great majority
  • join the majority
  • join the ranks (of something)
  • join to
  • join together
  • join up
  • join up the dots
  • join with
  • join with (someone or something)
  • join with else Go to join with
  • join/combine forces
  • joined at the hip
  • take issue with
  • Welcome to the club
  • with eyes open
References in classic literature
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?
Said he thanked the whiting kindly, but he would not join the dance.
"I have bidden you to join your hands," said he, "not in earthly affection, for ye have cast off its chains forever; but as brother and sister in spiritual love, and helpers of one another in your allotted task.
He was soon joined by a quartet of officers, and, with my back against a golden throne, I fought once again for Dejah Thoris.
A line, on the other hand, is a continuous quantity, for it is possible to find a common boundary at which its parts join. In the case of the line, this common boundary is the point; in the case of the plane, it is the line: for the parts of the plane have also a common boundary.
The party had not been long at this place when they were joined by Mr.
And so the glutton joined the party, and the ship mounted again into the air, and flew up and onward, till the Simpleton from his outlook saw a man walking by the shore of a great lake, and evidently looking for something.
He was soon joined by some Abyssins, who had not yet forgot their allegiance to their sovereign; and in his march up the country was met by the Empress Helena, who received him as her deliverer.
You will understand how he feels, in his present state of nervous depression, when I tell you that I should never have ventured on asking you to join him here, if your letter had not informed me that your visits to Dexter were at an end.
so well, that I have not discovered and joined you?"
For nine years he is cut off from the eternal gods and never joins their councils of their feasts, nine full years.
Pokey and her mother joined the party, and one bright September morning six very happy-looking people were aboard the express train for Portland two smiling mammas, laden with luncheon baskets and wraps; a pretty young girl with a bag of books on her arm; a tall thin lad with his hat over his eyes; and two small children, who sat with their short legs straight out before them, and their chubby faces beaming with the first speechless delight of "truly travelling."
"Well, whenever you are ready, we shall be joined by the Whimsies, the Growleywogs and the Phanfasms," said Guph; "so the conquest of Oz is assured without a doubt."
There are three different ways in which two states may be blended and joined together; for, in the first place, all those rules may be adopted which the laws of each of them have ordered; as for instance in the judicial department, for in an oligarchy the rich are fined if they do not come to the court as jurymen, but the poor are not paid for their attendance; but in democracies they are, while the rich are not fined for their neglect.
After she had played a little air with variations on the harp, she joined the other young ladies in begging Natasha and Nicholas, who were noted for their musical talent, to sing something.