drop away

drop away

1. To fall off of something. If this many needles are dropping away from the Christmas tree, it's definitely time to get rid of it.
2. To become sequentially absent one at a time, or gradually decline in number or quantity. Attendance usually spikes after the New Year and then drops away. During the playoffs, teams drop away until only two are left to play each other in the championship game.
See also: away, drop
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

drop away

1. . Lit. to fall off; to fall away. The leaves were still dropping away from the trees in November. The dead branches dropped away from the tree.
2. Fig. [for a group of people] to decline in number over time through disinterest or attrition. His friends gradually dropped away as the years passed. As the other contenders dropped away, Mary's chances for election improved.
See also: away, drop
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • get rid of
  • get rid of (someone or something)
  • get rid of somebody/something
  • ti
  • get shot of
  • get shot of (someone or something)
  • get shot of someone/something
  • dispose of
  • dispose of someone
  • disposed
References in periodicals archive
At the heart of this rest is Velocity Drop Away Technology, which ensures the launcher won't drop unless the bow is fired.
This containment drop away rest features tool-less adjustment and a pre-installed launcher silencer.
It seems said that these names eventually drop away like unrecorded autumn leaves and that memories and scraps of history are blown away and forgotten.
Turning for home, and the grey appears to drop away and we take it up, victory in sight.
The Spaniard was leading by two with a round to go when he was told he had taken a wrong drop away from a sponsor's sign.
But it was a hugely disappointing day for Australia's world number one Karrie Webb, who had seemingly moved into second place on six under after a 70, but was penalised two shots for an incorrect drop away from a sprinkler head.
From Hope's "All Gone, All Gone": "If you think I should go, I really will go/Now the preparation's made to lay all old things by/And when I say that I'll go, I mean let one name drop away." It is not always so grim, but sometimes it is.
A simple yet rugged design can be found in Cobra Archery's (www.cobraarchery.com; 800-352-6272) Diamondback Drop Away arrow rest.
THE years drop away from Sir Elton John as he is turned into a cartoon for the video of his new single, Somewhere Out Of The Blue.
The speedy launchers drop away instantly to ensure total vane clearance and never require cocking or locking.
To convert from a drop away to a fixed prong, simply swap the springs in the spring cap.
Even if he is beaten, Silver Charm should make a race of it, whereas Ballyclough Hero could drop away if unable to dominate.
With today's drop away rests, we can now use all the helical our fletching jigs will give us.
In the up position the launchers "drop away" as the arrow is released.
It offers the main features archery hunters desire; windage and elevation adjustments, and drop away technology.