droopy drawers
Pants sagging below the waistline. Can also be used as a term of address for someone experiencing this. I forgot to pack my belt, so I've got a serious case of droopy drawers today. Hey, droopy drawers! Pull up your pants before the headmaster sees you!
See also: drawer, droopy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
n. someone—usually a child—whose pants are falling down. (Also a term of address.) Hey, droopy-drawers, pull up your pants.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- droopy
- droopy drawers
- hard lines
- hard lines!
- hard luck/lines
- whale tail
- do without
- do without (someone or something)
- pull (one's) belt in (a notch (or two))
- pull one’s belt in a notch