it's just one of those things

it's just one of those things

It is an unexpected or random occurrence, especially a negative one, that one cannot predict or prevent. A: "I was so sorry to hear about your father's sudden passing." B: "Thank you. We're still in shock, but it's just one of those things." My mom broke her ankle a month before my wedding in Portugal. It was really unfortunate, but it's just one of those things.
See also: just, of, one, thing, those
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

It's just one of those things.

It is something that couldn't have been prevented.; It is an unfortunate thing caused by fate. I'm sorry, too. It's not your fault. It's just one of those things. I feel terrible that I didn't pass the bar exam. I guess it was just one of those things.
See also: just, of, one, thing, those
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • 1FTR
  • drive (one) out of office
  • force (one) out of office
  • force out of office
  • give (one) (one's) head
  • give head
  • give somebody their head
  • give someone their head
  • cooking for one
  • as one door closes, another (one) opens
References in periodicals archive
"It's just one of those things that happens at times, and I am sure there won't be any shortage of takers and sure that Junior will find himself another club."
It's just one of those things, it's just part of Strictly.
"It's just one of those things you are going to embrace.
But as you've seen we beat them the other day and now Liverpool beat them twice and knocked them out of the Champions League so it's just one of those things.
"It's just one of those things where it's nice to have that advantage."
It's just one of those things where you have to pinch yourself and just count your blessings.
"It's just one of those things where you can't have everything.
"The track was in fantastic condition and it's just one of those things that can happen," he said.
"As far as I know they were a really well-organised group, and it's just one of those things."
My wife has to jump through the same hoops as you for a UK visa and it's just one of those things that is what it is and if you don't like it, don't go to England, simple!
Smith said: "It's just one of those things. The scoring was shocking but I just have to get on with it.
He told Sky Sports News: "It's just one of those things. I'm just going to have to suck it up now and move on.
"It's just one of those things. It's just total speculation.
"It's just one of those things that these agreements can take longer in Africa," Finke, a former coach of Bundesliga side Freiburg, told Germany's Sport1 television.
It's just one of those things that happens when you get out there," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Pattinson, as saying.