When properly supervised, an
intern in the last year of law school can be performing the same type of work as an attorney in the first year following law school.
Student support: implementing an internship program may bring legal departments much-needed benefits
Twenty civil and municipal servants of Kyrgyzstan will have internships in Japese universities annually, including: 6 interns in public policy, 5 interns in economics, 4 interns in international relations, 2 interns in information and communication technologies, 2 interns in agricultural policy, 1
intern in environmental protection policy.The given Scholarship Program aims to facilitate training of civil and municipal servants and will last from 2008 to 2011.Since Kyrgyzstan gained sovereignty Japan provides support to the country regularly, including support under such projects as reconstruction of bridges in Chui oblast, Bishkek-Osh road rehabilitation, Manas Airport modernization and other projects to the value of US$ 480 million.
Japan to give some US$3 million under Human Resources Development Scholarship Program in Kyrgyzstan
Every year thousands of undergraduate and graduate students from hundreds of colleges and universities
intern in state legislatures.
How to guide legislative interns: legislators and staff bear a responsibility for the education and experience of a legislative intern
Rick came to Science News as an
intern in 1987 and then served as our biology and medicine writer until 1990.
From the editor
The San Diego County Office of Education on March 2 announced the firing of a 22-year-old
intern in the county's outdoor camp program after the intern discussed lesbianism with a group of sixth grade students.
Across the Nation
Being "determined to make a difference" helped to motivate the one male
intern in his work.
Teachers and non-teachers as school counselors: reflections on the internship experience