For users in the sixth segment consuming from 651 to 1000 kWh, the price will be EGP 1.4
instead of EGP 1.35 for 1 kWh.
Ministry of Electricity Announces New Prices
Further, vitamin and mineral supplement was being sold for as high as Rs850
instead of Rs550 while mesterolone 250 milligrammes was available for Rs586
instead of its approved price of Rs247.
Drug inspectors seize stocks of 'overpriced' medicines
Xbox One S "Forza Horizon 3"1TB bundle is now available for $299
instead of $349
Xbox One S Currently Available At $50 Discount
Squirting bleach down the toilet
instead of cleaning it
Why women don't trust men with house cleaning
WHY: It would be very tempting to shower yourself with chocolates and truffles, but
instead of that plan fun stuff like movies with friends, or buy a workout gear for yourself.
3 Maple syrup
instead of sugar ALTHOUGH all sugars are high in calories and should be consumed in moderation, if you must use a sweetening product, pure maple syrup is a healthier option than refined sugars.
Light switches; Swapping just 10 foods for healthier alternatives could help you shift the excess pounds in a hurry
Wouldn't it be better to build roads
instead of monuments, power plants
instead of theatres, railways tracks
instead of lions, hospitals
instead of fountains ...
Build, build and build only
Wouldn't it have been really something To have been a gladiator in ancient Rome
instead of being stuck in a call centre Having to talk to irate people on the phone ?
After his own translation of each Psalm, Goldingay gives a short introduction to the Psalm as a whole, and then "interpretation" (verse by verse exegesis) and "theological implications." A 13-page glossary explains some of his translation choices, e.g., fail or failure
instead of sin; faithful
instead of righteous; ignore
instead of forget; person
instead of soul; rise
instead of Selah; well-being
instead of peace; and worship
instead of bless when Yahweh is the object.
Psalms. volume 2: Psalms 42-89
AMR's 2008 net loss now is $2.12 billion
instead of $2.07 billion as previously reported, while its 2007 net income is $456 million
instead of $504 million.
Company Watch - American Airlines
Out of all of the countries in Annex 1, 16 countries have reached and some even exceeded the objectives set by the protocol including, for the EU, France (-4%
instead of 0%) and the UK (-15.9%
instead of -12.5%) as well as nine new member states.
So, when blood rich with carbon dioxide goes to the stomach
instead of the lungs, it can aid digestion.
Crocodile hearts
"Focus on those things you can get the biggest bang for the change," he says, like cutting out soda and other sweetened beverages; eating out once a month
instead of five times; going for a walk or bike ride three nights after dinner
instead of plopping down in front of the TV.
Obesity & children's health
Instead, I am a slave-driver, impatient and hurried, wondering why I can't manage to get this music up to tempo or that essay formed correctly,
instead of accepting that maybe things are progressing exactly as they should.
The emperor has no clothes
They use a new electric lift and transfer
instead of the older pneumatic system.
Improved parts handling for molders