For example, in Figure 10, detected
BLOBs after step 3 are depicted and the obtained Inner-BlobList is shown on the right (section
Binary Large Object-Based Approach for QR Code Detection in Uncontrolled Environments
After clustering, clusters containing only single
blob are determined to be noncoded targets directly, and clusters containing reasonable amount of
blobs are determined to be potential coded targets, since a true coded target contains at least 4 reference points and limited amount of coding points.
Automatic three-dimensional measurement of large-scale structure based on vision metrology
A family approaches the pink
blob, which covers a third of a picnic table's surface.
Charles Long: Pet Sounds
While we've been stuck with Churchill the bulldog''s "Oh yes" for what seems like decades, we're being deprived of happy-go-lucky
Blob action all too soon.
Little Blob character is a real screen gem
Now I've recovered enough equilibrium to ponder my
blob in the last, next to Idol Deputy.
Blob system that's not for those of a weak disposition; GRAB A GRAND FOR CHRISTMAS David Ashforth was hoping for tidings of comfort and joy on his first attempt to relieve the bookmakers of a festive four-figure sum. It didn't go to plan
There are several competing theories to explain Lyman-alpha
blobs. One idea is that they shine when cool gas is pulled in by the
blob's powerful gravity, and heats up.
Gigantic alpha blob glow comes from galaxies hidden within
blob 1 (LAB-1) is so far away that its light has taken 11.5bn years to reach the Earth - most of the time that the universe has existed.
Space scientists reveal: We found The Blob
Because the newly discovered
blob is 12.9 billion light-years away, it is at least 12.9 billion years old.
The hungry blob at the edge of the universe
One of the little girls painted a picture of a woman with a
blob for a body and a
blob for a head.
ARTY FATTY; Nursery nurse Linda sheds 13 stone after kids paint her as Mrs Blobby
Therefore, we focused on the extraction of descriptive characteristics in motion
blob (MB) (step 1) and subsequent color patches (step 2) (Fig.
An intelligent paradigm for multi-objects tracking in crowded environment
Most significant is the relationship between the old
blob analysis method and the new edge-detection technique.
Blob analysis and edge detection in the real world: to address today's image analysis tasks, you need a judicious mix of old methods and new techniques
They grow Inside eggs that are bunched together in a jellylike
blob. The embryos remain there for about one week, and then they hatch.
Great escape
ADVERTS featuring a giant
blob of Marmite spread left children "terrified" and having nightmares, it emerged today.
Marmite terror
The Birmingham building is a form of
blob, and
blobs are becoming increasingly common these days.
Bling, blobs, burgeoning: problems of figure; Architecture has become more and more gestural in its searches for monumentality and the race for iconic status
"Shorty" Yeaworth Jr., best known for helming 1958 sci-fi cult pic "The
Blob," died in a car accident July 19 in Amman, Jordan.
Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr