I had reached one of those rare places where a Martian tunnel dips suddenly to a lower level. Somewhere beyond I knew that it rose again, but of what value was that to me, since I did not know how great the distance that it maintained a level entirely beneath the surface of the water!
A few more strokes brought me to a point where my feet touched the floor, and soon thereafter I was above the water level entirely, and racing like mad along the corridor searching for the first doorway that would lead me to Issus.
The Gods of Mars
"Very well," replied Ned Land; "I accept the explanation, sir; but, in our own interests, I regret that the opening of which you speak was not made above the
level of the sea."
20000 Leagues Under The Sea
And the fiery face came on...with its noise...came
level with them!...
Phantom of the Opera
I drew rein on a little
level promontory overlooking the trail below and to my left, and saw the party of pursuing savages disappearing around the point of a neighboring peak.
Princess of Mars
All geological facts tell us plainly that each area has undergone numerous slow oscillations of
level, and apparently these oscillations have affected wide spaces.
The Origin of Species
Where I left Ghak and Perry there were no other creatures in sight, and so I withdrew one sword from the package, and leaving the balance of the weapons with Perry, started on alone toward the lower
At the Earths Core
In the center of the room was a pool of considerable size, the
level of the water being but a few inches below the floor.
Tarzan the Untamed
Two methods are used; one is to plac a carcass on a
level piece of ground within an enclosure o sticks with an opening, and when the condors are gorged to gallop up on horseback to the entrance, and thus enclos them: for when this bird has not space to run, it canno give its body sufficient momentum to rise from the ground The second method is to mark the trees in which, frequentl to the number of five or six together, they roost, and the at night to climb up and noose them.
The Voyage of the Beagle
Having noticed that the number indicating the greatest depth was apparently in the centre of the map, I laid a rule on the map lengthwise, and then breadthwise, and found, to my surprise, that the line of greatest length intersected the line of greatest breadth exactly at the point of greatest depth, notwithstanding that the middle is so nearly
level, the outline of the pond far from regular, and the extreme length and breadth were got by measuring into the coves; and I said to myself, Who knows but this hint would conduct to the deepest part of the ocean as well as of a pond or puddle?
Walden & on the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Now by the abolition of serfdom we have been deprived of our authority; and so our husbandry, where it had been raised to a high
level, is bound to sink to the most savage primitive condition.
Anna Karenina
As they were now on the
level of the ground, the light seemed infinitely higher than it had from the top of the tower.
Lair of the White Worm
Rising from the midst of vast plains and prairies, traversing several degrees of latitude, dividing the waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific, and seeming to bind with diverging ridges the
level regions on its flanks, it has been figuratively termed the backbone of the northern continent.
Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountain
He was ascending the farther slope of a low hill whose crest was hardly to be distinguished from the general
level. His whole figure soon came into view against the background of gray cloud.
Can Such Things Be
Lay from Cape Somerset to Singapore direct, keeping highest
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