help to

help (oneself) to

To take something for one's own use. (Whether one is actually allowed to take something, however, depends on the context.) Please, help yourself to anything in the cooler. I can't believe you helped yourself to the last piece of cake when you knew I wanted it!
See also: help
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

help (oneself) to

1. To serve or provide oneself with: Help yourself to the cookies.
2. Informal To take (something) without asking permission: The thief even helped himself to the spare change in the jar.
See also: help
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • help (oneself) to
  • work (oneself) up
  • work oneself up
  • work up
  • worked up
  • back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner
  • don't strain yourself
  • keep oneself to oneself
  • keep to
  • keep yourself to yourself
References in periodicals archive
Washington DC [USA] Oct 23 ( ANI ): If you think that proactively offering help to your co-workers is a good thing, think again.
Progressive Building Society is helping first-time buyers get a foot on the property ladder by introducing the Government's new Help to Buy: ISA at its branches and agencies across Northern Ireland.
Another recent study (Xu & Corno, 2006) linked family help to homework management strategies reported by 238 rural middle school students.
When power quality problems occur, portable power-monitoring equipment can sometimes help to locate the problem, but for a large facility, an EEM system--with its network of permanent mount meters installed at key locations--can verify power quality around the clock.
Ela knows she has received much, and wants to share it with others: 'I had help to be where I am today, and I would like to pay it back by helping someone else.'
Berman thinks, however, that many agents are beginning to understand that they need help to improve their branding.
The Forest Partnership will help to safeguard Africa's precious natural heritage while at the same time promoting development, allow that heritage to be used in a sensible way that preserves it, but at the same time gets some economic benefit out of it in order to alleviate poverty and to enhance good government.
In terms of political/community empowerment, a substantial number of respondents (53.1%) agreed that their self-help group could help to change society's attitudes towards vulnerable populations, to become more understanding and accepting, and less discriminating.
Not only should quantitative studies continue to elaborate on the findings of this corpus of evidence, extending it to other cancers, but qualitative approaches may help to elucidate why these factors have their effects.
Raw vegetables also help to cleanse the body and remove fat and waste.
Sometimes, it can help to have on hand a list of annoying little tasks you always seem to put off because they don't suit the time you have available.
When the planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, working people around the country faced some immediate challenges: how to find out the toll that the tragedy would take on people at work in those buildings and their families, and how to quickly get help to the survivors and the victims' families.
Bear Vision has landed a lot of new contracts lately and has had to hire help to do some support work such as typing and research.
"Integrated solutions help optimize returns across multiple departments and help to trigger process and technology changes," says Pravesh Mehra, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's B2B Supply Chain Service Leader in the Americas.