help back

help (someone) back (to some place)

To aid someone in returning to some place or thing. Can you either help Grandma back to her room or get her walker for her?
See also: back, help
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

help someone back (to something)

to help someone return to something or some place. The ushers helped him back to his seat. When she returned, I helped her back.
See also: back, help
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • come back and see us
  • back door
  • back
  • back at (something or some place)
  • back over
  • back over (someone or something)
  • beat back
  • be/go back to square one
  • back room
  • a while back
References in periodicals archive
The valuable contribution from HRH Crown Prince will help back up projects that maintain ancient historical and cultural features of the kingdom, it stated.
State Auto, Google Help Back AI Startup Flyreel's New Financing Round
It is an outrage that public officials like occupied Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has called on all gun owners to carry their weapons to help back up overstretched security forces.
Lawyers were hired to help back the BBC in cases taken to the Information Tribunal or higher courts.
Honey Royse Tubino and reigning MVP Norie Diaz combined for 30 hits to lead Perpetual Help back in the finals.
This summer, the banks announced an independent lending review to identify what else NatWest and RBS could do to help back British businesses and further support the UK economy.
Funding worth up to pounds 126m is being made available to organisations across England on a payment-by-results basis to get the most in need of help back on track.
France's application was for a sum of 24.5 million (of a total estimated cost of 37.6 million) and aims to help back into employment 3,582 workers from Renault and seven of its subsidiaries and producers who were made redundant as a result of the economic and financial crisis.
Giving a bit of help back in return is the least we can do."
The Queen, played by Rosie McLaughlin, took time out from her preparations for the nightly performances to help back Patrick's mission.
"There are jobs out there, there are workers who are willing to fill those vacancies, and what this scheme is all about is providing people help back to employment."
"With Cardiff Blues set to face three fixtures at the new stadium on consecutive weekends, we wanted to ensure lots of people had the chance to sample the new stadium and help back the boys on the pitch, commented Abigail Gibbins, Blues Customer Service Manager."
The society welcomes new members, both performers and those willing to help back stage or front of house.