insofar as

Related to insofar as: unsatiated, bemusement, conceivably, enfeebled, rebuffed

insofar as

To such an extent that; to the degree that. Insofar as money is concerned, our project will be completely funded by private donations. We should be finished filming by late spring, at least insofar as I can guess.
See also: insofar
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • (in) so far as
  • in so far as
  • so far as
  • for all
  • for all (one's) (something)
  • for all...
  • fund
  • crowdfund
  • allocate (something) to (someone or something)
  • allocate to
References in periodicals archive
Insofar as this latter, rather than the former, sense remains the focus of information, we will remain caught within an anthropomorphic and rationalist science.
Nevertheless, both of these texts might also be said to reiterate the normative ideals that equated masculinity with having facial hair insofar as the beardlessness of each protagonist is put forward as being remarkable.
It is both the origin of the ecocidal "disease" from which we suffer and its "cure," insofar as it provides resources for a new green mindset toward nature that is a prophylactic against antinature attitudes and habits.
Insofar as much of men's writing was also imitative, the point apparently is that imitation should at least be gender-appropriate, unlike the awkward women's versions of the Petrarchan autobiographical fiction so popular in Italy.
Insofar as this film "allows mainstream Americans one-sided access to a minority culture, the [gay] balls themselves both assume and inadvertently support White America" (179).
However, these traditional strategies of engagement are essentially conservative insofar as they conceive of artistic production as a compensatory activity while, at the same time, they generally imply a static notion of communities that are themselves dynamic.
4/1 The natural gender of personae (Latin for persons) in the Bible, including the human author of various texts where evident, must not be changed insofar as this is possible in the receptor language.
Hiram Morgan's analysis of "The Fall of Sir John Perrot" concerns faction insofar as Morgan finds Burghley to blame for Perrot's treason conviction in 1592, the result of the Lord Treasurer's efforts to protect his own client, Sir William Fitzwilliam.
The repetitive aspect of the pattern, which the first series ten years ago made apparent, gives way to an interlacing that is more abstract--the flowers and fruit disappear--but at the same time remains figurative, insofar as it evokes sensual and fanciful forms.
Beauregard unrelentingly develops his goal of "explor[ing] the relationship of Aristotelian-Thomistic moral thought to Shakespeare's plays, with particular emphasis on the virtues and vices insofar as they shape character" (9).
For those who know its source material, Letter from the Girl functions as a commentary or immanent critique that is the opposite of academic, insofar as it gives itself over wholly to desires the original both incites and deflects.
The common good is meaningful only insofar as it protects and enhances the good of the individuals who make up the community.
The Bunyan of the first part is not altogether a Reformation theologian, insofar as that theology (and especially its attendant spirituality) has been modified by individualistic and sectarian preoccupations typical both of Bunyan and of certain strands of later Puritanism.
Each image regains its individual measure of believability only insofar as the artist makes a display of the constructedness of his photographs: The bridge is a board is a bridge.
4/1 The natural gender of personae (Latin for persons, ed.) in the Bible, including the human author of various texts where evident, must not be changed insofar as this is possible in the receptor language.