Pete is the most successful British producer-songwriter
in pop history with more than 40 years' experience in the music industry.
Star-maker Pete steams in for local radio show
In these circumstances, McGrory, who had been born in West Chester, Pennsylvania, decided to make the best use of his height and he appeared
in pop music videos featuring such performers as Marilyn Manson and Iron Maiden.
Obituary: Matthew McGrory
How much does historical Pop (not just high New York Pop, but also British proto-Pop; not just the Warhol of the soup cans, but also of the films and the capacious art/life jugglings) tell us about the myriad ways artists work with, through, and even in pop culture today.
But in his field he had to establish himself as the exception; in pop music you're always between Act and Self.
TIM GRIFFIN: I think it may be safe to say that what has evolved most in pop culture is marketing.
Don't you think that to some extent in the art world (as Alison pointed out in her sharp read of Cattelan's HOLLYWOOD sign), as in pop culture, marketing of the artist-persona commodity is a huge part of the work's content, how it circulates, acquires value, etc.?
Pop after Pop: a roundtable