References in periodicals archive
Who says writing in plain language is less sophisticated?
Most people prefer the second one because it's clearer, more concise, and written in plain language, which the Plain Language Action and Information Network defines as any communication that can be understood the first time it is read or heard.
Writing government documents in plain language will increase government accountability and will save small-business owners time and money.
Instead of demanding that contractors meet highly specific and technical requirements, Little, realizing that prices would drop if he just told potential contractors what the department needed in plain language, was able to call for a rebidding on the main JDAM contract, and see the competing companies come up with their own innovations, the price dropping by nearly half.
When Jimmy Carter became president of the United States in 1977, he issued an executive order declaring that all government documents be written in plain language. Because people did not fully understand what made a good plain-language document, the government also funded groundbreaking research into what made effective design.
This same philosophy can also be found in plain language resources for lawyers.
In Plain language pleadings, the main focus is on plain language in specific instances such as pleadings, legislation, and forms (Wilson 1996).
Our job as information designers should be to stay current with plain language, help inform it, and to make sure that others who are interested in plain language understand its breadth.
"Prescriptive linguistics and plain English: The case of 'whiz deletions.'" In Plain language: Principles and practice, ed.
The federal government's writing must be in plain language. By using plain language, we send a clear message about what the Government is doing, what it requires, and what services it offers.
Choose one from the many available in plain language manuals or construct your own.
To meet the needs of level 3 readers, information must be clear and unequivocal -- in plain language.
There are also training workshops in plain language writing and editing available through public offerings or in-house.
The Workers' Compensation Board in Manitoba introduced a program in 1991 to train all staff in plain language. Red River Community College is integrating plain language principles in the technical writers' training program.