References in periodicals archive
Professional staffs frequently find themselves facing three aging in place challenges.
The INS has asked all institutions that accept foreign students to have the electronic tracking system, also known as SEVIS, in place by Jan.
"The INS has in the past said the reason (the electronic system) is not in place is because the colleges blocked it.
In places such as New Jersey and New York, INS district directors have used their discretion to detain asylum seekers even when the aliens posed no known risk and central guidelines recommended that they be released.
The movement's victories were not foreordained either, and much of the hard work unfolded far from the camera's eye, in places where Kennedys and Kings never visited.
Some INS agents in places like Arlington, Virginia, and Spokane, Washington, have even started rejecting waivers entirely and making applicants take the in-house test instead, a de facto reversal of the INS's privatization efforts.
in Chicago weighed down by thick case files and two or three textbooks, marked in places by pens that jut out.