Blende shares, "20 years of experience on the front line of special needs has taught me we need to cross the barrier and go to them--we're better able to do that".
Everyone needs regular dental care, but what if you can't get to the dentist?
(224-25) Similar to these "hyperbolic rhetorical constructions," Strubel uses ambiguities in time and collective memory in Tupolew 134 and ambiguities of identity in Offene
Blende (Christiane/Jo), Snowed Under (Adina), and Kaltere Schichten der Luft (Siri, Anja/Schmoll) as a means to elicit disruptive reactions and to attack the limits of perception.
Antje Ravic Strubel's ambiguities of identity as social disruption
[[delta].sup.13]C for vein "coal
blende" (-30 to -28 per mil, PDB) point to Oslo Region shales (-29 to -22) as possible sources for the reduced carbon.
In summary, within this special 4-oscillator hybrid model [14], which turns out to be obviously well suited for binary materials with zinc
blende structure, the normalized heat capacity shape function, [[kappa].sub.h] (T) (9), reduces to a parameterized function of just 7 independent parameters (consisting of the 4 discrete phonon temperatures 0n, n = 1 to 4, in combination with the three weighting factors [w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], and [w.sub.C1]).
Unprecedented Integral-Free Debye Temperature Formulas: Sample Applications to Heat Capacities of ZnSe and ZnTe
Her list of prizes and literary achievements ranges from the Ernst Willner Prize, received for her debut novel, Offene
Blende (Open shutter), in 2001--when Strubel was just twenty-seven--to the recent long-listing for the German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) of her latest novel, Sturz der Tage in die Nacht (2011, Plunge of days into the night), described by the ARD network's Denis Scheck as the best German novel of the year.
"Memory Is Always a Story": an interview with Antje Ravic Strubel
Blende [was] able to save Mandy's teeth, correct her overbite as well as make her chewing teeth meet in the back.
Your mouth: a window to your overall health
Among the most remarkable specimens in this collection are green carbonate of lead with quartz,
blende with twenty sided crystals and green fluors in crystals; crystallized antimony, with red
blende on quartz, yellow copper ore with opal, and arseniate of copper in cubes of bright green colour.
Philip Rashleigh and his 'Specimens of British Minerals' (1797 and 1802)
GaN usually exists in either a hexagonal wurtzite (h) or a cubic zinc
blende (c) structure [1, 2, 8, 9].
Mixed phases at the bottom interface of Si-doped AlGaN epilayers of optoelectronic devices
In SAED pattern we observe three diffraction rings corresponding to the (111), (220), and (311) planes of zinc
blende ZnS, and also it should be noted that the diffraction rings in the SAED pattern are discontinuous and consist of rather sharp spots, which indicates that the nanowires are well crystallized.
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/ZnS core/shell nanowires
Figure 2 presents the XRD spectra of samples I1, II1, and III1 for crystal phase identification, where the XRD profile of CdSe crystals in the cubic zinc
blende phase (JCPDS file no.
Synthesis of highly emissive CdSe quantum dots by aqueous precipitation method
Rathi, "Ground state properties of rock salt, CsCl, diamond and zinc
blende structured solids," The Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal, vol.
Electronic structure and momentum density of BaO and BaS
In addition, they have studied the zinc
blende (ZB) ZnS.
Low-resistivity p-type doping in wurtzite ZnS using codoping method
In the case of starting material, three diffraction peaks at 2[theta] values of 28.5[degrees], 48[degrees], and 57[degrees] appeared due to reflection from the (111), (220), and (311) planes of the cubic (zinc
blende) phase of ZnS (Figure 1).
Effect of annealing on the ZnS nanocrystals prepared by chemical precipitation method