idiot light

idiot light

slang A warning light on the dashboard of an automobile meant to alert the driver to a potential problem, such as engine trouble, low fuel, overheating, etc. See? You ignore the idiot light, and the car ends up breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
See also: idiot, light
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

idiot light

n. a light (instead of a meter) on a car’s dashboard that indicates the state of various things concerning the operation of the car. (Alludes to these lights’ elimination of the knowledge required to interpret a meter reading, making them suitable for idiots.) I don’t want idiot lights. I want meters!
See also: idiot, light
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • road rage
  • Silver Alert
  • 4-on-the-floor
  • lemon law
  • wrangle with
  • wrangle with (something)
  • necker's knob
  • Mexican overdrive
  • wrinkle rod
  • wrinkle-rod
References in periodicals archive
Then you realize that you do not have many gauges and that your dashboard is comprised mostly of "idiot lights" like the CHECK ENGINE alert.
LEDs are no longer viewed as the "idiot lights" of yesterday.
Exposed wires in the cockpit looknaff and some of the idiot lights are obscured unless you duck your head.
Exposed wires in the cockpit look naff and some of the idiot lights are obscured unless you duck your head.
The cockpit styling is neat and functional with a large speedo, smaller rev counter in the bottom right corner and idiot lights around the outside.
Similarly, automobile dash boards have sported gauges and "idiot lights" to give drivers early warning of impending equipment failures.