

1. noun, slang Any substance that one deems foul or disgusting. We need a more powerful cleaner to get rid of this ick in the bathtub.
2. interjection, slang Ew! Gross! Ick, I think I just stepped in gum. I'm not putting my hand inside the turkey—ick!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. any nasty substance. What is this ick on my shoe?
2. exclam. Nasty! (Usually Ick!) Oh, ick! What now?
3. n. a disliked person. Tell that ick to leave. He’s polluting the place.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • cool
  • my bloody oath
  • oath
  • bloody oath
  • piss on it
  • Piss on it!
  • chop chop
  • hey presto
References in periodicals archive
Ulan Satyvaldiev, chief executive, said: "ICK is a growing leader of the Kyrgyzstan's leasing and financing market since 2015.
[sigma][member of][summation]]), suppose [sigma] [member of] [summation] has ICK. Then, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is subjectively rationalizable for viewpoint a if and only if [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].
difficile might have the option to put their ick quotients to the test and consider fecal implantation--that is, if more physicians and health care providers are willing to push the limits of their own ick quotients and perform the procedure.
Due to the nature of the excavations and to the loss of documentation on the find-spots of many tablets (see the remarks in ICK II, 5 and the observations in Larsen 1982), and the lack of information on the origin of those purchased, assigning the Prague tablets to individual archives is an important but difficult task.
Rafael Dumlao has been granted bail by an Angeles City court over charges he is facing concerning the 2016 killing of Korean Jee Ick Joo.
An exciting title from Funny Bone Books First Chapters for young readers, "Ick and Crud: Going to the Vet" addresses animal health care from the dogs' viewpoint, in fully illustrated pages of 1,000-1,500 words in 3-4 chapters for beginning readers ages 6 to 9.
Every meal is accompanied by a Pick ick Pick Every meal is accompanied by a chilli relish made from shrimp paste, which resembles a Spamcoloured brick.
A WARW RWR ICK businessman is WICK businessman is W set to reignite his company after inventing a new relighting system that could revolutionise the woodburning stove industry.
ICK Clegg is right when he says that the case Nfor devolution is driven partly by necessity.
Katy Perry's Zac Posen gown u ick, colour, ick shape.
"Smithers is a real possibility--we all know he's been wa-a-ay too attached to his boss--but the ick factor is very strong," asserts the Bob Newhart Show veteran, who has just released her memoir, Don't Look Back, We're Not Going That Way.
ick! Sharks usually give up and swim the other way.
Despite an audible groan when the subject came up, Baker confirmed it really was ten years ago that he claimed his first big prize, ironically, the very same Benson & Hedges, when he beat N ick Faldo in a play-off.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has asked an Angeles City court to issue a hold departure order (HDO) against Police Colonel Rafael Dumlao, who is facing charges over the 2016 killing of Korean Jee Ick Joo.
The Angeles City Regional Court has allowed the alleged mastermind in the killing of South Korean businessman Jee Ick Joo to post bail.