Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's is much more than this.
The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk
Other venues definitely taking part include The Krazy House, the Picket, Metro, the Rat and Parrott, Zanzibar,
Heebie-Jeebies, Korova, Pan Am, Babycreamand Blue.
Festival unveiled today
And you better believe that nothing gives an LCN employee the
heebie-jeebies more than facility vulnerability.
The exciting world of kinematic vector analysis yet another reason we're never invited to 'bring a parent to school day'
JANUARY Some bothersome stuff has been clinging to you like a bad case of
heebie-jeebies. But this is the perfect time to start fresh--it is a new year, after all.
Star signs
As the convoluted story wore on, Quebec's film milieu developed a case of the
heebie-jeebies. Even some diehard critics of Losique and his team flipped from shaudenfreude to dread that a horribly embarrassing mess loomed on the horizon.
Montreal World Film Festival (8/26-9/6/04)
Polls found that while people generally were more favorable toward gays, gay marriage gave them the
heebie-jeebies. Hold that first thought.
Marriage mishegas
Freud concludes his study by noting that a tale needs more than just the presence of particular motifs to give readers the
heebie-jeebies, a point not lost on Anthony Vidler in The Architectural Uncanny (1992).
Katharina Fritsch: Tate Modern, London
Side effects may include the blahs, hissy fits, conniptions or the
You Can Do It
A hangover, the result of a drinking spree, has also been called the "katzenjammers" (from the German for cat's wailing), the "DT's" (an abbreviation of the Latin "delirium tremens" - trembling delirium), the "
heebie-jeebies" (from the 1923 comic strip "Barney Google") and "the screaming meemies" (origin unknown).
Speaking Freely: A Guided Tour of American English from Plymouth Rock to Silicon Valley
The story: Carol White, who lives in spooky, wraparound comfort in the San Fernando Valley, comes down with the
heebie-jeebies. First the undergoes fits of coughing and finds herself gasping for breath; then she gets a nosebleed; then, while picking up the dry cleaning, she tumbles into a full-tilt seizure.
This man has always given me the
heebie-jeebies, with his insidious threats delivered in his spooky voice.
Sinister Tusk would feel at home in Hell
To find a quicker resolution for the double-murder case that's been giving Wind Gap's residents the
heebie-jeebies, police chief Bill Vickery (Matt Craven) is only too eager to pin the blame on either of the two suspects: Ann's hot-tempered father Bob (Will Chase) and Natalie's overly sensitive brother John (Taylor John Smith).
'Sharp Objects': Piercing portrayals, tantalizing twists in wicked whodunit
Har perils the on who people keep can't down vo ices The thought of people listening to my calls gives me the
heebie-jeebies. If I have to answer my phone during a journey (my Cat-like reflexes mean it will generally ring for less than half a second) I blush apologetically, whisper, ''I'm on the train I'll call you back" and hang up before anyone notices.
Silence is golden but loudmouths all seem to have a real brass neck
The bit in the movie when George gets the
heebie-jeebies always clutches at my heartstrings.
Your passion for a Lost Boy will just Peter out; Two timely tales remind me that if you want a Wonderful Life, you'll have to W explore love with mature people, those who understand the courage needed to make a commitment to another, not a character who just won't grow up
3.15PM Jeepers Creepers gal Gina Philips has the
heebie-jeebies when the police think she killed her baby.