a doubting Thomas

doubting Thomas

A skeptic. A reference to the Biblical story about the Apostle Thomas, who refused to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he saw him in person. Lisa's husband was a real doubting Thomas when she told him she'd won the lottery. He demanded to check the ticket himself.
See also: doubt, Thomas
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a doubting Thomas

a person who refuses to believe something without having incontrovertible proof; a sceptic.
In the Bible, the apostle Thomas said that he would not believe that Christ had risen from the dead until he had seen and touched his wounds (John 20:24–9).
See also: doubt, Thomas
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

a ˌdoubting ˈThomas

a person who will not believe something without proof: Now, for all you doubting Thomases who thought I couldn’t win an important race, here’s my medal to prove it!This expression comes from the Bible. Thomas refused to believe that Jesus had been brought back to life until he saw Jesus for himself and touched his wounds.
See also: doubt, Thomas
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • doubting Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Job's comforter
  • a Job's comforter
  • comforter
  • manna
  • manna from heaven
  • manna from heaven, like
  • Judas
  • Judas kiss