
(as) naked as a jaybird

slang Completely nude; without any clothes on whatsoever. My roommate is so embarrassing, always walking around the house naked as a jaybird! We have an adorable video of you when you were about two years old, running around the back yard as naked as a jaybird!
See also: jaybird, naked
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*naked as a jaybird

Cliché naked; bare. (*Also: as ~.) Two-year-old Matilda escaped from her nurse, who was bathing her, and ran out naked as a jaybird into the dining room. Uncle John sometimes spends a whole day walking around his house as naked as a jaybird.
See also: jaybird, naked
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

naked as a jaybird

Bare, unclothed, as in I came straight out of the shower, naked as a jaybird. This simile replaced the 19th-century naked as a robin and is equally unclear, since neither bird is normally stripped of its feathers. Further, the bird it refers to is more often called simply "jay" rather than "jaybird," yet the latter is always part of the simile. [c. 1940]
See also: jaybird, naked
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

naked as a jaybird

Nude. This expression is definitely American in origin, but the simile is as puzzling as the older British naked as a robin. Neither bird is very plain in appearance (“bare”). It appears in print with some frequency from the mid-twentieth century on. For example, D. Delman used it in Sudden Death (1972): “The corpus was as naked as a jaybird.”
See also: jaybird, naked
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer

naked as a jaybird

Stark naked. Why, of all ornithological species, should a jaybird be singled out for its nudity? One explanation is that “jay” was a 19th-century word for a country bumpkin, and since bumpkins were vulnerable to the wiles of others, a jaybird would be vulnerable indeed.
See also: jaybird, naked
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • (as) naked as a jaybird
  • naked
  • naked as a jaybird
  • as naked as the day (one) was born
  • buck naked
  • without a stitch of clothes (on)
  • in the nude
  • without a stitch on
  • not have a stitch of clothes
  • not have a stitch of clothes (one)
References in periodicals archive
If a Jaybird product wasn't on your Christmas wish list last year, chances are you're being extra good so Santa will leave one of the company's devices in your stocking this holiday season.
Enhanced Bluetooth Audio- Jaybird developed its own codec for decoding the audio with an enhanced bit rate.
A neat feature here is that once a user has paired their phone to the Jaybird Run, the earbuds will automatically connect to that phone every time the user opens the case.
Jaybird built its brand on wireless headphones that stream music from a mobile device.
(https://www.bestbuy.com/site/jaybird-freedom-f5-wireless-in-ear-headphones-black-special-edition/6040000.p?skuId=6040000) Jaybird Freedom F5 wireless - These headphones are for sale for $50 at Best Buy, that's $100 off of the usual price, if you're willing to get them in black instead of one of the snazzy colors like gold or red.
Our main comparison was between the iBFree and E10BT which are similarly priced, but for an upper reference point, we also had the RHA MA750 Wireless and our good old Jaybird X2 around.
When she got up, she said, "every dog has its day." From that time to this is a straight line, pointing at a girl who doesn't even have shoes anymore, as she runs down the road, throwing off her raggedy clothes, as she goes, until she's naked as a jaybird. When she comes to washing, hanging on a line, she grabs a fine dress and keeps on running.
Whether you knew him as Jamie, Jaybird, Jay, Jimbo, Klink or just Jim he was a true and loyal friend who always took time to listen and learn.
Believing and Jaybird are the class horses in this race, but the Richard Hannon-trained filly is preferred simply because she has a sound run in a nursery to her name.
On the recording, Etta Baker, 1991 recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Heritage Award, and her older sister, Cora Phillips, perform "Jaybird March," offering listeners the rare opportunity of hearing African American women playing in this tradition.
If he had much to teach his country about the right of thought's expression, he knew it was a prodigious and mostly unwelcome lesson; rather like, to quote from his "Song of Summer," a "Jaybird chattin' wif a bee, / Tryin' to teach him grammah" (11.23-24).
But most of her colorful expressions--"a scandal to the hootie owls," "naked as a jaybird," "mad as hops" (hopping mad?), or (when someone is just about done for) being "just one jump ahead of the coyotes"--could be attributed to her western country life, as could the expression, "You've got to get the cow to get the calf," which I recall her using when a boy who came calling on me was especially nice to her.
All you heard was the squawk of a jaybird and the buzz of a horsefly.