
diarrhea of the jawbone

A tendency speak constantly or at length without thinking. I get so nervous every time I'm around police officers that I have diarrhea of the jawbone and can't seem to shut up!
See also: diarrhea, jawbone, of

diarrhea of the mouth

A tendency speak constantly or at length without thinking. I get so nervous every time I'm around police officers that I have diarrhea of the mouth and can't seem to shut up!
See also: diarrhea, mouth, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

diarrhea of the mouth

 and diarrhea of the jawbone
Fig. constant talking; a "disorder" involving constant talking. Wow, does he ever have diarrhea of the mouth! You're getting diarrhea of the jawbone again.
See also: diarrhea, mouth, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

diarrhea of the mouth

and diarrhea of the jawbone
n. an imaginary disease involving constant talking. Wow, does he ever have diarrhea of the mouth! Sorry. I seem to get diarrhea of the jawbone whenever I get in front of an audience.
See also: diarrhea, mouth, of

diarrhea of the jawbone

See diarrhea of the mouth
See also: diarrhea, jawbone, of


tv. to try to persuade someone verbally; to apply verbal pressure to someone. They tried to jawbone me into doing it.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • diarrhea
  • diarrhea of the jawbone
  • diarrhea of the mouth
  • run around in circles, to
  • Hong Kong dog
  • Kong
  • barbed tongue
  • a mouth
  • be on a short fuse
  • be on/have a short fuse
References in periodicals archive
Under the terms of the agreement, Alterra acquired the Jawbone wind development project from Jawbone Wind Energy LLC, which is principally owned by Philip and Daniel Rudnick, who will continue to work with Alterra to complete development of the project.
invested Jawbone was in the running lead to take on its wearable competitors,
I've also lost feeling in the side of my face where he pulled a piece of my jawbone out.
Jawbone is the story of former youth boxing champion Jimmy McCabe, played by Snow White And The Huntsman star Harris.
"I'm excited for Jawbone to be featured at EHBC this year.
Jawbone has launched several devices in the market to track steps, calories burnt and food intake, tracks sleep and gives smart lifestyle coaching based on accumulated score.
Jawbone has filed two lawsuits against Fitbit in an escalating legal battle between the two rivals.
If you need to check on the details, such as number of steps, distance and calories, view graphs and more, you can via the Jawbone UP app.
Jawbone introduces UP MOVE, a new, easy -to-use activity tracker that helps you get fit, lose weight and have fun doing it.
Jawbone UP3 Jawbone UP3 could well be on its way to being the smartest personal tracker around.
Two years ago, oral surgeons at UC Davis began using a revolutionary procedure to generate partial jawbone regrowth in two dozen dogs who suffered injury or removal of cancerous tumors.
"Your car should know that you're tired because you didn't sleep that well, so it should be alert to that, how awake are you when you're driving, those things," says Hosain Rahman, the CEO of Jawbone, a 14-year-old company that makes earphones, speakers, as well as wrist-worn fitness trackers.
said my jawbone's missin' pieces Doctor said glowin'
But to ensure it would never be forgotten, its 7ft lower jawbone was buried at an undisclosed site so that the oil and fat could drain from it.
Seoul: A South Korean plastic surgeon faces a fine after building "bone towers" in his Gangnam district clinic filled with jawbone shards from hundreds of patients, a local official said Thursday.