jar against
jar against (someone or something)
1. To bump, knock, or slam against something. The group of protesters jarred against the barricades. The butt of the gun jarred against my shoulder as it recoiled.
2. To clash or conflict with something. The upbeat music jarred against the somber atmosphere of the funeral. The country's actions are jarring against the promises made by its prime minister.
3. To create an unpleasant, conflicting, or discordant impression with someone. The book is supposed to be set in an ancient time of high fantasy, so I think the characters' use of modern slang and colloquialisms is going to jar against many readers. Something about what Sarah said was jarring against me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
See also: jar
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
jar against someone or something
to bump against someone or something. The guest jarred against the wall, knocking a picture askew. Someone jarred against Fran, almost knocking her over.
See also: jar
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- get up against
- get up against (someone or something)
- clash
- clash against
- clash against (someone or something)
- against
- against (someone or something)
- hedge against
- hedge against (something)
- compete